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Community Reputation

4 Opportunist
  1. Dear haters of Identity...

  2. Character creation, Hair, & Clothes

    No, it would just ruin the game if there were edgy goth lords around every corner wearing those shoes. The game would end up looking like a Japanese MMORPG for erotic roleplay.
  3. Apartment/Housing Customization Video

    Fake and gay.
  4. Character creation, Hair, & Clothes

    I'm glad it made you laugh.
  5. New here.

    Hey, So I've been lurking around every now and then since the crowd funding of this game as the concept of it really hit the spot for me. I have previous experience in RP communities such as Arma 3 City Life and Gmod HL2RP, both of which are dying / died, hence my interest in this 'project'. The community seems to have a lot of enthusiasm for this game and, most importantly, the developers seem very honest with clear intentions of creating a stable platform for players to play with. Frankly, I cant wait to get involved in this community. Expect to be seeing me more around these parts. ~Iscariot.
  6. Character creation, Hair, & Clothes

    Without the mustache, obviously.