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  1. Hello. It has been specified that every item in the game will be manufactured by the players. That being said, manufacturing has much room to become a field, which is focused not only on the products but the process of manufacturing too. I am not entirely sure how manufacturing is going to work, but I assume that there will be factories (or another unit), in which production will rely on the number of workers and resources available. My suggestion is to make that manufacturing of every advanced item would require simplified research. For example, if the founder of a corporation wants to manufacture TVs, he would need to gain the ability in terms of research. Corporation could have a menu, in which founder (or high-rank worker) would select the type of technology to be researched passively over time. The research time would depend on the amount of owned factories, workers, and previous research. It could take from few days to few weeks. The researched technology would allow the operation of the specific type of equipment across a corporation. I am not sure how far developers would be willing to go with research system - a simple strategy game-esque menu or real worker actions(science ?). But the purpose of gaining a technology before starting the manufacturing is simple. Newly founded corporations should not be able to outcompete old corporations the same day they are founded. Manufacturing should be a strategic process, that requires long-term planning.
  2. First of all, I want to say hello to you all, as it is my first post on this forum. Considering that business is going to be a crucial part of the game, I have to say that four classes of corporations are not enough. Below I suggest two additional corporation classes, which would diversify the businesses in the game. Resource extraction corporations Assuming that the game will have mining, logging and farming systems, there could be agriculture and mineral obtaining corporations. Similar to manufacturing, these corporations would have workers which work in the field. This type of corporation could have access to high-level tech (e.g. modern tractors and advanced mining equipment), that could not be operated or purchased by individuals. These corporations would sell materials to manufacturers, and that would make manufacturers dependent on the prices of materials. This would create a multi-branch manufacturing economy, in which gaining monopoly would be harder because different classes of corporations would need to cooperate. Gambling corporations Since it was reported that game will have gambling systems, it would be logical to have gambling corporation class. This class would include betting and casino businesses, that could be connected into one, big chain brand and compete with smaller business units. Only corporations could have the ability to purchase the most luxury gambling buildings and their machines. Let me know if you think these implementations would make corporations a more interesting field of the game. Thank you.