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  1. Biggest Development Flaws

    Lucky I understand you're one of the moderators and have been here a very long time but you constantly defend the developers and almost seem to have a complete bias. But I'm still willing to discuss my opinions with you and in response to your points: 1. According to the development tracker (which they gave us for complete clarity) it says the final task is a User Interface item and that it's just in testing. Which to me sounds like it's functional and is just being tested to work out small kinks. I still stand by my statement of constant delays, you are correct there have been 2 Official specific dates but I also count when they use terms such as "imminent" to be deadlines. I'm currently a student paramedic and when someone's life is in imminent danger that doesn't mean they need treatment a month and a bit later. 2. That's true 3D Artists don't program and from a business perspective that means they have too many artists and not enough programmers/coders. If I own a KFC is there any point in me having 20 people working as cashiers and only 5 cooks or is it more important in having a proper balance? 3. The community is mad already, I'm stating that it should be a huge priority for them to change that. The way I see them doing that is through better communication, in all honesty I feel like I have no idea what's holding back TS release. Officially (The tracker) it's a User Interface test but in reality I've read half a dozen different theories on the forums from the elevator not working for the apartments to a database crash. They've taken a step in the right direction with beachball but I feel like they're really limiting his ability to do his job properly by limiting what he can communicate about. 4. Yeah you're right they have acknowledged mistakes in the past but I genuinely believe they haven't learnt from them, the issues we had way back then are still present today and I'd just like to see some action. Later Edit: I also just want to add, I've got nothing against the developers or moderators or anyone on this site all my complaints are because I feel like they're taking the game is taking a turn in the wrong direction and I really want the game to succeed. By pointing out these faults I'd love to see the developers take action (If they agree with me) and hopefully change things for the better.
  2. First things first, I've never developed a game before nor am I evenly remotely qualified to but even I can see some big flaws in the development progress and team for Identity and instead of just complaining about it (Which at this stage I could probably do all day) I have some suggestions for them. 1. Just release the module in it's current state, as long as it's playable no one is expecting a masterpiece for a pre-alpha build I understand you want to make it perfect so everyone get's hyped about how perfect it is and therefore donate more money but your constant delays are causing all your current fans to turn on you. I know based of everything that's happened so far I can't possibly recommend this game to any of my friends due to the fact we're virtually kept in the dark of progress. 2. Take a holiday. Literally shut the entire office down for at least a week and head off some where to stop thinking about all the complaints and instead focus on what you decided to create this game in the first place and how you envisioned it. When you come back have a meeting about you can most effectively reach your vision. To me (As previously stated, not a developer) that means you need to focus on the coding of the game and less on all the assets. Don't get me wrong the game looks great, way way better than what I was expecting, but what's the point if you don't have any gameplay. 3. Bring all your social media back to the forms. A lot of us have jobs/study/whatever and don't have time to look everywhere for bits of information. The forums in it's current state is so toxic but if you create a new section literally called Information where you briefly summarise what's been happening I guarantee you everyone will be happier because the way it is at the moment noone knows what's going on. There's no need for having Twitter/Discord/Facebook/Whatever else you have exclusive posts if people want to follow you on those platforms provide them links to the update on your forums. 4. Reevaluate your priorities. Currently people who have already pledged are mad, and they're your literal source of income. The community should be your number one priority, even more so than the actual development of the game. A happier community will lead to a larger community, a larger community will lead to more funding to the game and more funding will mean more room for developers and bam, by focusing on the community you've also improved development. 5. Acknowledge your mistakes, but more importantly actually learn from them. I understand that a game of this size is no easy task otherwise I'd have been down before but whenever someone makes a complaint on this forum they get attacked for doing so and then almost completely ignored, 99% of people here and complaining because they want this game and they're getting frustrated because they're not being herd and left in the dark. Respond to them if even with a generic message "We understand you're upset and we can definitely do better we plan on doing this so "complaint" isn't a issue anymore." or "We're currently working that issue by doing this" These are my opinions on the current biggest flaws on the development progress of the game if you don't agree with my feel free to say so below I'd love to hear your opinions on what you think they could do better or how I'm wrong. More importantly I'd love the developers to comment on this post maybe some of this has been already incorporated and I didn't know or they plan on following some of this advice.
  3. This is my first actual post on the forums since I pledged $250 way back in February of 2015 I've been fine waiting all this time while they develop the game and now that it's on the horizon and they've opened up this new store I've realised how grateful they are for my pledge of 3 years and how much I saved by pledging 3 years ago. According to the store each of these items are worth: Passport - $15 Beta access - $15 Sports car - $100 Luxury one bed apartment - $100 Two car Garage - $40 Making the total value of the items above $270 In my package I also received (That you can't buy in store) $2,000 in-game currency and a Backers hat. We were told in streams that our packages are supposed to be great deals, which saving $20 and getting a small amount of cash is not even close. I can only imagine how the kickstarters who pledge more than me feel because they paid more for their packages then what the individual items in the store are worth. I really hope I'm missing something here, but I get the feeling all the kickstarters of $250 and above have been ripped off.