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Everything posted by Ash

  1. Hello!

    Hello everyone! I am Ash(lee), and I am very grateful to have found this project. I happened to see some of the screenshots of the game and fell in love with the graphics. I can't wait for the final product and will begin to watch the progress of the game until it is completed! Extra: - I enjoy playing FPS and MMO/MMORPG's. - I have a music preference of pop. (Mainly K-pop due to how weird some pop can be..) - Anime and Cartoon fan. - I like most animals (typically furry/cuter ones... sadly) except horses. Thanks for reading! - Ash
  2. Hello!

    Hey there! Thank you so much! ^-^
  3. Hello!

    Thank you all for the welcomes! Apologies for not thanking you earlier. Everyone so far seems to be pretty nice/positive, and can't wait to meet more people on here!
  4. Hello!

    Thank you, Shypindive! Glad to have found this!
  5. Hello!

    Thank you, Dolore!