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Everything posted by GeneSmith

  1. Hunt For The Worst Game Ever

    Are really only taking that out of what I said? Rest in pepperonis. I'm saying that even though the two games are similar in nature it wouldn't be impossible for them to add that. Read it good before making an assumption like that.
  2. Hunt For The Worst Game Ever

    Yeah. And Fallout 4 is about killing Super Mutants, Deathclaws and other assortments of monstrous beasts. But you can still have emotional relationships with NPC's
  3. Hunt For The Worst Game Ever

    I'd like to see a MMO aspect of Borderlands. The map is massive and having those extra people in it would just make it more enjoyable. Being able to interact with more than just three other people would be amazing. Maybe a higher customization for characters. Same class types but more customization for it.
  4. Hunt For The Worst Game Ever

    Well when I get a better GPU you and I should play it. I'll definitely need help with it. Is it on Steam?
  5. Hunt For The Worst Game Ever

    While I enjoyed the challenge I didn't like how slightly tedious it was and the grind was just awful. I also like the cell shaded graphics but would have enjoyed the original art style more.
  6. Any Writers?

    Yeah man. Let's see what you've got!
  7. Any Writers?

    So far two writers. Thanks for responding guys!
  8. The Gentleman's Club

    Welcome aboard. I hope you have a fun time here.
  9. Daniel "Danny" Halloway

    Danny Halloway was born in Aberdeen Washington in 1979 to his mother Regina Halloway and Greg Halloway. While growing up Danny was always the most energetic person in his age group and was always ready to do something. But by the age of 13 Danny began to slow down and get more aggressive towards people. Whenever he would take naps in class his teacher would wake him up. Resulting in vulgar name calling and near physical violence. Doctors eventually diagnosed Danny with KleineLevin Syndrome which causes him to sleep uncontrollably for days and even weeks on end. Knowing this Danny began feeling angry towards everybody and acted out more than other 17 year olds. He would beat, harass and even bully people because he was so angry from his disease. When Danny was 24 he met a man named Marcus in a small bar in the outskirts of Point Place, Wisconsin. Danny and Marcus talked for a bit before realizing they both shared the same interest. Hurting bad people. Danny and Marcus soon took to the streets where- while not trained- beat the holy dogshit out of them. Soon they both decided to get weapons training and hand to hand combat training from one of Marcus' old marine buddies. Danny eventually moved to the Island and left Marcus back home. Danny routinely takes adrenaline shots to keep himself awake for long periods of time before retreating back into his hiding spot to sleep for a few days. But he's always back... Always.
  10. Daniel "Danny" Halloway

    September 26, 2002 Danny and Marcus sit on top of a building staring off into the city. Their hockey masks are off and combat boots untied. Marcus hands Danny a beer. Danny looks over to Marcus "Someday we're gonna have to quit.. You know that right?" Marcus takes a sip of his beer. "Just let the good times be good man. Take it or leave it." Sitting behind them is a police scanner alerting all officers that a new registered sex offender has moved into Little Italy. "I'll get the car started." Danny sits there while Marcus walks away. He takes one final big gulp and walks behind him.
  11. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    *Daniel walks inside with his gun holstered. He hits Adam in the back of the head with his gun effectively hurting him. While Adam grips his head Daniel aims it at Kevin.* "The Mafia owns this club. They have for years. Considering he offered you a bag of X and you declined you were either getting ready to sell or talking about selling. I'm Danny, and I'm a Vigalant." *He shoots his gun near Adams ear to make him disoriented. The bullets flies past Kevin on purpose and runs out before the mob can get to him. He drives away before anybody gets outside.*
  12. Hunt For The Worst Game Ever

    Sims 2 was my favorite one. Worst game though has to be Borderlands
  13. Frank Luprano - Character RP part 2

    It's only dead if nobody is posting.
  14. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    *Daniel walks out with his hair slicked back. He spits out his chewing gum and lights up a cigarette. With a big puff he looks over at Kevin.* "You know that shit back there is bad right? Your boy better be careful.. A Vigalint may come for him." *He says with a smirk before tossing his cigarette to the ground and stomping it.*
  15. Frank Luprano - Character RP part 2

    There are still plenty of people posting on it.
  16. Frank Luprano - Character RP part 2

    I'm on mobile too. My phone has never logged me out. Possibly because it's an older version phone it signs you out? And a site sometimes runs on memory. The more topics made the more space it uses. That's why they say keep it limited I assume.
  17. Frank Luprano - Character RP part 2

    While I think it's fine that you're doing this. I think posting it within the first one would reduce clutter and make it more even.
  18. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    *He grabs Adams shoulder and squeezes on his pressure point. He leans down.* "Then I suggest you don't make them more fucked up then they already are. If I see another fucking kid popping X I'm coming for you." *Danny walks away.*
  19. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    *Daniel enters the club. His thick leather jacket still having a chill from the outside weather. He walks past a group of men talking about something inaudible. He looks over and glances at a man with a bag of pills.* "You sure we should be having that here guy? I'm sure that'd cause a lot of discomfort towards the party goers." *Danny stands behind the man and waits for his response.*
  20. Skyrim: Special Edition (PC/Console)

    I think ESO has great potential for RP. I myself might make a guild soon pretty much only for RP
  21. Skyrim: Special Edition (PC/Console)

    I've only ever played it on console. But I've put well over 500 hours on it. It's such a magnificent game and I can't wait to Mod the holy hell out of it this month!
  22. Good pistol variety

    Well damn. I was hoping to maybe make an ex military character that was an expert sniper. My heart is saddened now.
  23. A big thank you!

    Here is what I find very unfortunate. While yes, a new blog was long overdue and I read it at least twice just to make sure I wasn't dreaming.. We don't know if we'll have to wait almost another year for a new one. While I hope they release a new one very soon. I'm just worried everybody is on a euphoric high because they got exactly what they wanted. But we seem to neglect the fact we may not get another for a while.
  24. Weekly Poll No.3

    Here's the difficulty that comes with picking the original and the prequels. While the originals gave us that beautiful music and those iconic characters. The realization that Darth Vader is Luke's father was a shock. Ham Solo and Leia end up together. They blow up the Death Star twice. In the prequels you have the development of the characters. The change we see in them. Obi Wan going from a very strict Jedi that doesn't want to break rules to a very kind Jedi who isn't afraid to break some rules. Pod Racing and the introduction of Anakin Skywalker. While Haden Christiansen didn't have the best portrayal it was good. The prequels gave us hands down the two best scene in the entire franchise in my opinion. The turning of Anakin, seeing him morph into what he would become. And the fight on the lava planet. Two amazing scenes. But, when it comes down to it I picked Original Trilogy for the nostalgia it brought with it.
  25. Is this even true...

    If he knows it's too priority why didn't he just do it to get it over with. He's a programmer so he shouldn't have a problem with it. It's only showing of apartments right?