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PrimusPalus last won the day on November 19 2018

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About PrimusPalus

  • Birthday January 24

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  1. Cant even get a refund

    Which can happen. Happens all the time with big studios. Look at Day Z. They've released tons of updates that had issues and the whole community was able to test the build out before it went live for often weeks. This team probably has a small handful of testers. They definitely wouldn't be able to find everything. My understanding was the major problems were a result of the UI. I'm guessing that was rushed in or updated poorly and obviously caused major issues. Does that mean the dev team is incompetent, unable to produce a decent game, etc? No. It means that they'll need to work harder and be more careful in the future.
  2. No worries. Hopefully they get that sorted out for you. Seems like a simple enough fix.
  3. Cant even get a refund

    If you thought the module release was not going to be released with bugs... you unfortunately set yourself up for failure and disappointment. I'm actually impressed the servers were up at all. I halfway expected a complete crash and inability to rejoin (as I often do for most releases). At least some people got in-game and did stuff. I bought into the game but didn't have a chance to log in. But, I'm also not lighting the forums and Discord on fire with unreasonable nonsense. I'm patiently waiting to see what they do. I've bought into countless EA titles. Some they have fixed and have become decent games, others they abandoned and stole my money (Wild West Online comes to mind there). But I buy into Early Access games to do two things: 1. Support the development. 2. See potential in a future product. I feel my money was at least well spent thus far in supporting the team. Do I think this was a botched release? Yeah, sure. Things definitely didn't go as planned. But we're in the first 48 hours here. I'm not concerned yet. If they don't get the servers up and the game running within a week or two... I'll start worrying.
  4. I linked you here in Discord: Not sure why you posted in this forum. Haha.
  5. We were right, and you can't argue with us anymore.

    I find it hard to believe they just went through the memberlist and picked you for a random ban. That said, you can use this link to follow the instructions for a refund: As far as your expectations vs what was provided in the 3 years of development (not 4)... well that's ultimately your opinion. If you don't feel the game met your expectations, you can try and get a refund. If you can't, you'll want to be more careful with buying/donating in to an Early Access game in the future. That said, I certainly don't think the release went well. The problems they're facing shows the module wasn't ready for release. But I think they knew that already. I think the only reason they released it is because they were damned if they do, damned if they don't. If they didn't, all hell would have broken loose like the last time they pushed the release back.
  6. Very disappointed, how about you guys?

    I'm not disappointed. I gave myself the right expectations. I was expecting issues on launch day, I knew it would be buggy, and I knew this was a small team with a much smaller budget than most games. I still support the devs, but clearly it didn't go as planned. They'll get it fixed up and we'll get the beta for the whole game hopefully when it's ready. This thread has been decent, but a lot of the others and Discord are out of control.
  7. I'm curious... anyone running a community now (maybe in FiveM for GTA) or planning one for Identity? I know one forum member looking to possibly do that. I might be interested in the policing on a server... but most topics here are extremely outdated. I have lots of on and offline LEO experience.
  8. Police Roll Call...

    I did the same thing. Lurked for two years then started posting.
  9. Police Roll Call...

    I've RP'd with a few females and worked alongside many in real life. Always good to see a variety. Also, welcome to the community. I see this is your first post. Thanks for the input and for getting involved. I hope we see more of you.
  10. Community Survey

    I submitted my thoughts too and we've talked outside of the forum about this stuff Villasenor. It'll be interesting to see where all of this leads.
  11. Censorship like NK

    I have no idea what your friend posted or how they did it. But, my guess is their approach was bad. Can't say I've seen many banned from this site or Discord. In fact, there have been a few on Discord that could probably have been due a ban for trolling but weren't. You have to use tact when you approach a touchy subject.
  12. What guns do you want to see?

    Wow... the whole thread and only one person recommended the Smith and Wesson M&P 9?! This is what I carried when on duty and it's leagues ahead of the Glock in my opinion (I briefly carried a Glock and hated it). On a side note most departments don't carry an exclusive handgun (like only Glocks). Most give Officers a chance to pick what they'd like to carry from an approved list. The new 2.0 is amazing. I wish I could afford another handgun.
  13. Games like Identity

    If you find the right server, GTA RP is the closest thing right to Identity. I've been on some very serious RP servers and with the right rules, the experience has been amazing.
  14. TV news system

    Doesn't mean it won't/can't be added later.
  15. TV news system

    I would like to see a profession based on this. Maybe a ticker that pops up on your phone to give you news updates and a live broadcast possible on the home TVs. Can't see why it wouldn't be doable, just need to be coded right.