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Everything posted by LordSHIVA

  1. Robbing player owned houses

    I don't really understand why you all still discussing this topic. The developers already talked about this. Robbing players homes is not going to happend.
  2. Messy houses, and characters needs

    They are thinking on doing a lot of jobs and hobbys for us. Dates? I mean.. just talk to people and go to a restorant (confirmed). Hunger as also been confirmed... Hygeine also been confirmed or at least thinking about that.............. C'mon man.. you're talking about things that are already been confirmed and talked about.. Using the imperative and you don't even know what's been talked. Before asking questions or giving sujestions, please, go see if it as aleady been talked about. This is a waste of time.
  3. Death and respawn

    Wow if that appened to me, I would start all over and my primary objective in the game would then be kill them all and have everything back! Vendetta
  4. Prison Guards and Warden

    In my opinion it could be an illigal activity reciving money from players as a cop. But it's like real life, you can be currupt if you want but if you get caught... And I don't think that you should be banned. Probably paying a big amount of maney to the state (because they receive a lit from crminals), going to prision and of course not being able to be a cop again.
  5. Prison Guards and Warden

    That depends on the players, it's a role playing game. It depends on what role people want to have.
  6. International Postal Service

    Oh ok I see now what you're saying. Bills I think it's going to be payed intraweb, I think it's been said. But to symplify things, in my opinion, I think that having a transportation service only could work. Like merge all in one. I think also that it has been confirmed a form of "governament". Even them could use it.
  7. International Postal Service

    I'm sorry, I'm not understanding your question.. Isn't it the same thing what you'r asking ? Transportation service and mail service? A transport service can't also transport your goods that you buy? Can't they transport anything? Isn't transportation service the same as mail services? I'm not fully understanding your question, but I think I do, a little bit and so, don't you think that it's desnecessary having 2 things when you can have only one doing everything? (Just some questions, don't be so ofended like many people do)
  8. Video Editor / Logo Maker

    Ok but you should do logos in Illustrator. In Photoshop you work in pixels (rgb color sistem). It's used for photo editing and the tools there are spetialised for pixel. You also have Illustrator where you work in vector (cmyk and rgb). It's used more for logos, flyers, etc. You have more tools for type for example or to make ilustrated logos. Usualy I work in photoshop the photos and then I pass them to Illustrator and do the rest there. And then I pass it again to photoshop to add some cool features in it like shadows, lighting and other filters. Graphic design it's a very fun job and some (most lol) times frustating, remember, NEVER GIVE UP! (And keep learning everyone day)
  9. Video Editor / Logo Maker

    You make logos in photoshop?
  10. A few questions

    Total kills? That's like telling everyone to kill everybody... I think that having kill stats public it's not going to happend because thats not the objetive of the game. Maybe kill stats for the Police will be a thing. At least it makes more sence...
  11. Hello everyone! First, I have to say that I like this community and some people have some good realistic ideas. Second, some people seem to not know what have actually been confirme by the devs so, I found some good vídeos of the subject, I recomend seeing it before asking some of the questions that some people ask. There are like 90 very short vídeos explaning everything what has been said, not so as opinion vídeos. Good day everyone!
  12. I understand the "COMMUNIST SOCIALIST LIBERAL REPUBLICAN" part. It's deversified and it represents different kinds of people. It's a little bit imppsible fora party to be everythingbecouse of the diferent opinions... But thenazi part.. comon'.......
  13. TV

    And I think no real TV channels will be in the game obviously... The costs would be VERY high...
  14. I think that a intranet has already been talked about. So deep costumization of everything I think it's not needed so the more important things are done.
  15. EVE Online

    Does anyone play EVE Online? I've just started playing because in November it's going to be free-to-play and it's actually very good! And the concept is very much the same of this game but it's in space
  16. Hello to everyone

    Hello everyone. First I want to say sorry for my English, its not my first language and my grammar its not very strong. Usualy in game I go by LordSHIVA (or LordSHIVAY; and in the ps3 cork_one1). I am from Lisboa, Portugal. My favorite games are all GTA's; Call of Duty's; Far Cry's; Assassin's Creed's; The Forest; Aftermath; (a little bit of) Skyrim; Mafia 2; Diablo 3; and others. I like the idea of the game, the freedom to be anyone you want. I heard somewhere that they are thinking on putting a stockmarket in there but they are not shure yet if players can invest there. I hope its possible because in real life I am a graphic designer but for years I have been studing the stock marketing and having a in game market would be exelent. What I want to do: I want to be a civilian and experiment a little bit of everything, but I am hoping to be more in the business/investiment area and maybe even politics. I am VERY exited about this game and I hope they make a good job. Good wait to everyone and we meet in the game.
  17. Hello to everyone

    Thank you everyone!
  18. Nice question, I also wanted to know what happends when a player dies
  19. Realistic Prices For Guns

    Friend, that was already talked in this forum, just try to understand. This game will not be arma3 or GTA. It's a life simulator combining everything. So the game it's not centrated in guns and crime. There will be crime but the devs want to make it more difficult. Thats why guns will be difficult to have. If this game was arma, witch is a army simulator with guns being the central part of the game, it would be normal to start the game with guns. Forget arma and gta. This will be nothing like that.
  20. Inflation, money

    Does the devs know how their going to control in game money? Things like the amount in all world, inflation, monopolies. Games like EVE and WOW do that and I think it's important to control at liest inflation to have a nice playable world
  21. Realistic Prices For Guns

    I'm not thinking on being in the criminal side, but I want weapons to defender myself. I agree with them being overpriced so not everyone has them
  22. Reminder to everyone

    Hello. So, first I am sorry for my English, I am going to try to explain myself well, English is not my first language. I find it really cool that everyone have so much ideas and plans. But I think that everyone should remember that the game is not even ready yet and we do not even know if it is all possible. Probably companies like rockstar witch have hundreds or even thousands of people working doesn,t do more complete games for a reason... I think that making so in debt plans like many people here are doing is bad for you, becouse when you see the final product I think that your going to be deceptionate becouse it wasn't close than what you where all thinking. Hope I have explained myself well and didn't do too much error. I am very exited for this game!
  23. Reminder to everyone

    Lol I've never said to stop using your imaginations. In fact I also have one, we are all humans, full of imaginations and emoticons. I just said that some people are very in debt, really deep, with theirs and when the game comes out they are going to get mad because more than half of the things that some people are expecting is just not going to hapend...