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Everything posted by DylanUK

  1. Driving License

    Could there possibly be a driving license that people will need in order for them to drive? so people don't end up driving recklessly. Well in order to have this driving license they will need to do a simple test before they can purchase a vehicle.
  2. Hay all - Cant wait until beta release

    Hello, Romeoecho3. Welcome to the community!
  3. Hiya

    Welcome to the community, Shypindive.
  4. Xbox and Ps4

    It will only be on released on PC for now, but in the possible future it could be on PS4 or Xbox.
  5. Hello everyone!(:

    Hello, @lemon Welcome to the community.
  6. Hiya pals!

    Welcome to the community!
  7. Hello to everyone

    Hello and welcome to the community. Enjoy your stay here.
  8. Dylan - Introduction

    Hello. My name is Dylan Davis, it is nice to meet you all.
  9. Dylan - Introduction

    Thanks man. I do appreciate it.