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9 Opportunist

About Tafara

  • Birthday 05/15/2001

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  1. would you mind?

    would you guys mind checking out my channel and giving me feedback?
  2. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    good job lads
  3. Is this game ever gonna come out

    be patient..... they are a small team of developers....
  4. Is this game ever gonna come out

    Ask for a refund and stop crying... it's a small team of developers...
  5. Playing Identity.

    you'll have to wait...... for the beta/alpha access
  6. I am an official Cititzen

  7. Hey

  8. Hey

    Hey some of you might remember me
  9. Making your own house?

  10. Consoles

    so what you are saying is i cant roleplay as a hitman...and no thnx i would rather play the sims then garrys mod m8 ... so please stop being so salty.... i am gonna be a hitman for crying out loud
  11. Consoles

    you can hire me as soon as the game is in alpha...
  12. Characters Thread

    LincolN Park Age: 31 Ethnicity: Caucasian Hobbies: Mass-Murder , Swimming , Playing Video Games , Skiing Traits: Very paranoid, Hot-headed, crazy Hometown: Brooklyn , New York Sexuality: Straight Aspiration: To Hunt down and kill the prey... Phrase: I killed them , I loved it.... I would do it again. Career: Hitman