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  1. FAQ Extended (Updated)

    Just so I don't get this wrong; there can not be more than a single instance of John, as an example, on a server? The first name must be unique and singular? So, first come, first serve?
  2. body customization

    A lot of games (MMOs in particular) allows for body morphing, changing the morphs in the clothing items as well. Are you saying this feature will never come? Will we all be the same height, weight and general body shape? I had hoped for more, honestly - diversity is key to having this world feel alive, I personally feel.
  3. FAQ Extended (Updated)

    Saw the video from the stream - and I must ask, are (first) names really going to be unique? That will really limit things eventually, I feel. Also, to me it is rather strange that surnames will not be required. I feel we should have both and be able to share at least one of the names, since characters will be tied to accounts either way.
  4. Oops, I ought to sign back up again, ha!

    Hey, thanks, @Olio, @HairyGrenade and @DrFelixPhD Yes, I do like these fora so far, to be sure! I'm off to bed now, up early tomorrow! Yeah, only 9:15 PM but if you get up at 4 AM... 'Nites' and thanks again!
  5. Happy New Years?

    Posting here. Occasionally... The rest, same as last year. Same as every year, James. Er, I mean, never mind that. And happy belated New Year!
  6. Actual gameplay(firefights)

    Same for the bad guys! Unless they're on drugs and then they usually can't aim any way, so it evens out, I suppose. Heck, same in war -- most shots hit nothing but innocent matter such as walls, tress and what-not's. Hmm, maybe I should manufacture bullets in the game? Nah, I think it needs a good balance between realism and fun. Unless it aims to be ARMA online.
  7. Actual gameplay(firefights)

    I think this (lethality of fire-fights) will have to be play-tested to keep it at the 'realistic but fun' level. But in the end, it is up to the developers and what they decide is best for Identity. IRL most shots go way wide, because no one wants to stick their head out when the other person is shooting at them. Can't say I blame them!
  8. What is your Account ID?

    Ta, appreciate it. Now back to the subject at hand! Yup, still 1083.
  9. What is your Account ID?

    Yup, I know that too -- now. So, you seem to know a lot, do you know if I can upgrade my pledge here and now, or is that too late? I probably missed the info on my search, sort of like I did with separate sign-ups.
  10. What is your Account ID?

    Ah, I meant, I had to sign up for the game too, forum was separate.
  11. What is your Account ID?

    Oh, I see, silly me. I'm late for the party. 1083.
  12. What is your Account ID?

    I went to check and I can't even log in... Just recreated my account here, though, so perhaps there is a small delay?
  13. Well, here I am again, even if I only posted a few lines on the old forum and sent a few PM's (hello Joel). Anyroad, not much else I wanted to say other than hello and I am looking forward to see where this will go, sounds like it will be an exciting journey and glad I helped Kickstart it. I suppose I am interested in Identity because there are few modern day games out there, be it single-player or multi-player, and I probably will want to try different things in there, but a big passion is big rigs, 18-wheelers, the longer the hood the better, ha! Not much else to say right now, I think, but hello again!