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Everything posted by Arky

  1. Looking For Members & Executives - BCR MC

    Good on you. Hoping to see you soon.

    Because I already asked in this topic

    He dropped out. Not sure if he'll come back though. I'm just curious what he thinks of him if he has all this to say about Thomas.

    What are your thoughts on Gene Smith?
  5. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    "Those guns were our protection. Not saying we won't be fine without them but it wouldn't hurt to have them around. I haven't heard from Michael in about two days but I'm sure he'll pop up sometime." *Jason leans his head back and closes his eyes.* "It's gonna be a long road ahead of us."
  6. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    "You'd do good in a ring. Always looking for blood man. Boxing rings four miles from here." *Jason takes another sip* "Michael get any news on those Scots? Or are we hitting a dry spell?"
  7. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    *Jason leans back in his chair and pulls his hair back.* "Well I just got done talking to a mechanic hoping that he'd work with us on our bikes and shit. He's gonna give me a holler when he can." *Jason takes a sip of the beer.* "What about you bud?"
  8. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    *Jason croses his arms and looks at Kevin.* "Hopefully nobody I'm familiar with. I'm sorry that shit had to go down like that for you. But I like your work. I've seen the type of cars you make up. I'd vouche for you and make an assurance that nothing would happen. You'd keep your business, because I know how difficult it is to keep something you love a float. So keep the workshop and just work on bikes every once and a while. You'd be under club pay you'd make your own money." *Jason stands up from leaning on the wall.* "It's all up to you. Just think about it and give me a call. I'm always up." *Jason walks over to his bike after handing Kevin a piece of paper with his number on it. Then rides off back to the club. Upon pulling in he sees Micky sitting at the table.* "Hey Micky you crazy bastard, how you doing brother?" *Jason sits down and cracks open a peanut.* (( Waiting for @Micky_Tohmpson to reply))
  9. The Identity Skyscraper

    Floor 61: The More You Know
  10. The Identity Skyscraper

    Floor 59: A sign saying "You'll never know."
  11. The Identity Skyscraper

    Floor 57:
  12. The Identity Skyscraper

    Floor 55: A black man who dindu nuffin
  13. Here's a way easier solution. Just browse before posting stuff. It's way easier.
  14. Sticky Situation, eh?

    Hell yeah brother
  15. Sticky Situation, eh?

    I think my Prez would like this.
  16. -

    And to think people harass him and bitch at him. He's the best source for info.
  17. The Communist Revolution

    This conversation is still happening?
  18. The Identity Skyscraper

    Floor 52: A kindergarten reenactment of Scarface.
  19. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    *Jason laughs for a moment and then tosses his cigarette.* "Well I can see that. For sure, but I was thinking more substantial than that. You work on engines, so you've gotta be comfortable with a wrench. Listen, I'm sure the club could do good with a mechanic. And you're the best one on The Island." *Jason leans against the wall.* "It's an offer. You don't have to accept but it'd be pretty great if you did join up. We always need an able pair of hands."
  20. Facescan in Identity?

    Its pretty great.
  21. The Communist Revolution

    It was derailed and its turned into a hate fest. Mods don't like that too much so they end up locking it and deleting it.
  22. Alpha Military Corporation

    Definitely PM me when possible. Would love to talk to the owner of this to get some connections
  23. The Communist Revolution

    This topic is gonna get banned.
  24. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    *Jason takes a puff of his cigarette and looks up. The smoke rising up into his eyes. He stands up to shake Kevin's hand.* "Hey, I was trying to see if we could discuss a few things. Nothing crazy, just some business opportunities for the both of us. If you don't think you're up for it that's fine. Just though I'd get some local knowledge."
  25. Radio Stations

    You may find solace in The Outlaw then. Playing music from the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's. You may find something you like yet