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Everything posted by Calico

  1. Look up the definition of "investment" you ignorant kid. Quit being stubborn.
  2. Who is your favorite artist

    Without a doubt Creedence Clearwater Revival. Although CCR produced dozens of amazing songs, the two above are my favorite.
  3. At this point, it seems there will be way more criminals than there are regular civilians. Will there be a way to regulate this?
  4. Car dealer

    Prestige Motorsport
  5. Something Soon???

    Exactly. People are talking about "quality over quantity" but the more and more they keep us in the fucking dark, the more they'll lose a fanbase. I mean look at the forums, it's dying.
  6. Something Soon???

    Exactly, that's all we fucking need.
  7. Something Soon???

    That's one reasonable claim, however it's not likely. @Motown if you'd like give an explanation on any of my points above, feel free to do so. I think you need to clear the air on somethings.
  8. Something Soon???

    Exactly, that's my point. If they haven't even finished the town square (which is supposed to be the first module) how much progress do you think is going down on the rest of the map?
  9. Something Soon???

    If you look at the new pictures of the town square, you can see little to no buildings in the far background. Unless that's the last thing they have to do, I'm convinced that if this game does release, it's going to take a couple more years.
  10. Something Soon???

    It's literally been months... How long is it going to take?
  11. Something Soon???

    And they were supposed to post that video months ago... Right?
  12. Something Soon???

    Has there been a gameplay video since the trailer?
  13. A Mafia Commission

  14. The Luprano family - Opening the books.

    If you have any further questions or concerns about the family, let Don Frank or I know.
  15. #CutKaepernick

    The more and more I read about this moron, the more it pisses me off. The fact that there is a loud voice of support for this clueless degenerate, especially coming from the black community is extremely upsetting. SMFH. God Bless America
  16. #CutKaepernick

    Get out.
  17. #CutKaepernick

    He's making more money than 99% of white people and apparently that still counts as "oppression". Guess that's what happens when you give an uneducated, ignorant, spastic a couple years in the limelight.
  18. Would there be a medical career?

    Firefighters are trained life-saving skills...
  19. sarcasm

    Ciao Corn.
  20. sarcasm

  21. sarcasm

    THIS FUCKING GUY LMAOOOOOO. He's so fucking dumb.
  22. sarcasm

    Mhm. Keep making excuses. Good thing this time you came up with something better than "sarcasm".
  23. sarcasm

    Boy, I've never had such difficulty with someone not being able to comprehend my posts. This is remarkable.