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Everything posted by Calico

  1. Anonymous

    No, you've consistently changed your mind every few months. You don't make new businesses, you go back to old ones.
  2. Anonymous

    Like the five different business and career moves you have had?
  3. Second Luprano Family Audio Discussion

    I'd agree with you on that.
  4. Second Luprano Family Audio Discussion

    The Discord server.
  5. The Luprano family - Opening the books.

    So your alliance is based around illegal motorcycle clubs helping other illegal motorcycle clubs?
  6. Luprano Family

    Nothing to worry about. I'll certainly check on the forums once in a while but I'll be nowhere near as active as I previously was. Thanks for your kind comment.
  7. Luprano Family

    To whom it may concern, I will be taking a break from Identity for an uncertain amount of time. So if you have any questions or concerns regarding the family, please PM @Frank as I would not be able to respond at an appropriate time. Paulie
  8. President Trump

    Love the sound of that.
  9. The Neighborhood - Recruiting!

    What movie or tv show is your signature from?
  10. Gene Smith for Governor

    I like that. A little too low for the lower class in my opinion, but overall far better than what I've seen from other candidates.
  11. Gene Smith for Governor

    3% tax to lower and middle class, got that. But unless I haven't been reading the right parts, you haven't talked about the top tax bracket.
  12. Gene Smith for Governor

    So what's the top tax bracket taxed at?
  13. Thomas Hetch for governer

    Just because I may or may not be affiliated with organized crime, doesn't mean I won't pay taxes. What you should be worried about is people not taking kindly to you being very outlandish and immature as a candidate for Governor.
  14. Gangs

    Hopefully, all of that will be implemented. ESPECIALLY kidnappings.
  15. Luprano Family

    Shoot Frank a PM.
  16. Fusion Inc / Macle Family

  17. The Neighborhood - Recruiting!

    He's referring to Brett partnering up with us.
  18. Gene Smith for Governor

    Not too sure I understand, but whateva
  19. Gene Smith for Governor

    Sure, but unless you're trying to achieve communism, there will always be a "lower class" whether they're making $10,000 a year or $100,000 a year. The threshold will vary, but there will always be people poorer than others. I'm no economist, but if everyone was making $100,000+, that would only mean that the currency is facing inflation.
  20. Gene Smith for Governor

    Could you elaborate on this?
  21. Gene Smith for Governor

    According to medicare and Medicaid programs we have in the U.S. (which don't even come close to covering all costs) cost just short of 700 billion dollars for the government. Assuming these numbers are true, do you believe your tax brackets will be able to afford such an expensive industry?
  22. When is the next video???

    Got you, James.