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  1. @Topshotz357 You can delete the box by selecting it with left click and then press delete.
  2. Keep in mind that GTAV was created by around 1000 people while identity is like 5 people. If the game will look even remotely similar to GTA it would be mindblowing.
  3. suggestion

    I really hope the devs don't turn this down just because of copyright.
  4. You are not required to sleep actually, so people will most likely be out at night rather than going off to bed and wake up at 7. So I'm sorry if I crushed some parts of your dream (pretty sure there will be some privateservers which requires you to sleep at night tho).
  5. Map Decoration

    Personally I don't understand how anyone can think the Arma 3 map looks bad, it's mostly based of real life and I find it looking amazing. I'm all for dense forests and cities, but If the Identity map manages to look as good or better than the Arma 3 map I will be more than happy.
  6. Movement

    It's confirmed that you will not be able to be ontop of buildings. (which kills me a bit inside)
  7. Cinema

    But at home there wont be like 20+ people watching, unless it's a big ass apartment.
  8. Dense Forests

    Devs of Identity, please make the forests dense and realistic and not just one tree every 20 meters (I'm looking at you H1Z1). It would seriously mean soo much for the gameplay where hiding and hunting will be a big part of the game.
  9. Inactivity in Servers

    20 min in the bathroom? Damn it must be a big pile of dump
  10. Music Artists?

    I'd love to be able to sell my own real life music, or at least play them in radios (which I think will be possible already by hosting your own channel).
  11. Health Bar?

    That's sad. So there will be no possibility to even get on top normal houses?
  12. Health Bar?

    No access to roofs? In one of the concept art pictures for the Identiy Overview video we see a criminal type person standing on the roof of a building, which in my eyes confirms that it's possible to be on top of them. I'd be such a shame if it wouldn't be possible.
  13. Volume Control

    The perfect way to do this would be to compress everyones voices so that the louder people get's lowered and the quiter ones get's turned up. And then of course if you are further away you will sound way quiter and distant.
  14. Cinema

    I can dig the real life movies, but I'd love to be able to play youtube videos and twitch streams in the cinema.
  15. Revolutions

    I'd love if this was a possibility. I mean it's possible in real life (very unlikely of succeeding tho), and if it would exist in the game it should be at least as hard to pull of as in real life.