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  1. You can find it in the unreal engine marketplace , anyone can buy it
  2. Module 1

    I don't think you know who psisyn is
  3. clothes

    This question was already asked a long time ago. You can change the fabric of the clothes , you can also change the coloursof the clothes but you can't import images from outside the game. There will be an in-game designing tool where you can add diffferent shapes and drawings to the clothes.
  4. https://www.twitch.tv/identityrpg They said that they are going to do daily streams and so far the streams they are making are very informative and intresting. Motown is the one hosting the stream and is joined by paratus and the other devs join from time to time. They answer questions from the chat and they provide us with screenshots and other stuff to show the progress of identity. Check out these clips from the stream if you haven't yet: https://clips.twitch.tv/SmellyUninterestedHamDogFace?tt_medium=clips_api&tt_content=url https://clips.twitch.tv/FragileTameJackalCorgiDerp?tt_medium=clips_api&tt_content=url Yesterday's stream is still archived if you want to see that.
  5. Zoo

    They said they would add a zoo in a twitter reply a long time ago , but i personally think that isnt going to happen.
  6. Poll about what you guys bought

    I guess that most people bought the founder's package , it has fair price for a fair package
  7. Pledge Bonuses

    They probably are but there might be an option for private server owners to disable some of them.
  8. How much gb is the game going to be expected.

    i doubt that the game would be that big , i would say its 30 ~ 50 GB since identity isn't a AAA title.
  9. How much gb is the game going to be expected.

    As Motown said in the identity discord , its hard to know how big the client will be but they are sure to make it not too big of a file size.
  10. In a recent identity Q&A video paratus stated that each player would be able to own 1 house and a couple of apartments. Does this mean you can only put 1 house up for rent or can you put many houses up for rent and only use one as your home? I know that this is still an early stage in the game , and everything isnt thought out or made yet so i would appreciate any suggestions or guesses to how this system will be made. Thank you
  11. you cant enter a property unless the owner lets you in
  12. Text Chat and concerns

    I think i remember someone , possibly one of the developers, saying that you can chat on your in-game phone , probably just like arma life.
  13. Identity system requirements

    i wont