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  1. Storage in vehicles?

    I was wondering how the storage system will work in vehicles? Will each vehicle just have a capacity and each item will take up a unit(s), or will it be more in depth where you can really manage the space in your trunk, backseat, glove compartment, back of van, etc? I tried the search option and didn't find a thread that discussed this. I am just hoping someone can answer this for if it's already decided or if it's still being discussed.
  2. Who is your favorite artist

    I listen to a ton of metal myself, but I listen to a sub-genre called melodic death metal. I don't know if you or anyone has heard about it I have to say though it has to be, in my opinion, the best genre of metal. I could never really get into Metallica because I only started listening to metal a few years ago and I thought they were so generically popular. I mean all me a hipster, but to each their own right?
  3. model work

  4. Your Computer Specs?

    CPU: i7-6700 4.00GHz GPU: GTX 970 RAM: 16Gb
  5. Rate the above song

  6. undertale is overated?

    I just don't like the fan base.
  7. Just got on the new site

    I just got an email saying the new site was up so I decided to come check it out and I love it. It looks way more professional and nice.