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Everything posted by HairyGrenade

  1. Micro-transactions in RPG will tottally kill it.

    The game isn't going to be listed as $60
  2. Micro-transactions in RPG will tottally kill it.

    The "point" of this game is meant to be Roleplay that includes upgrades. microtransactions help improve the game and pay the developers which is why many games have them nowadays.

    Hey there, I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience, but unfortunately there is nothing we can do.
  4. GoPro?

    Unfortunately not, cameras are too much to network and would decrease server performance.
  5. Town square module video

    The video I mentioned will be out within a week and the TS video will be released before March 21, which is when the TS launches.
  6. Micro-transactions in RPG will tottally kill it.

    The micro transactions right now are meant to be purely cosmetic and only a select few apartments, they aren't meant to give you any advantage, apartments are mainly for storage and customizing the interior, so we feel it's not really a big deal. We dislike micro transactions just like the rest of you.

    March 21 is the first module consisting of a Town Square. Here you will be able to create your charaacter and customize him/her, visit the cinema and watch movies, add people to your friends list via cellphone, go to the karaoke bar and sing or just watch and order some food, go to the restroom, visit the art gallery and view paintings from players and write books. Interact with other players using VOIP and the big one, apartment customization. All this is available to you if you pledge $30 or more.

    You can pre-order the game here!
  9. Police! I've always wanted to be one since I was a kid and I love playing LSPDFR
  10. Town square module video

    @GoldenPancake @TwitchTriox This month we are working to get you a gameplay video of drugs, driving, and gunplay. The TS video will be out before the module, but not sure when yet.
  11. Internet on in-game computers

    There is an internet in the game, but not twitter. There's a facebook knockoff called "Facefile" as well as text messaging and checking your bank account.
  12. 2018 is here!

    @Negan @SuunBraukure The first module will release March 21.
  13. New here, my names Toxic.

    Welcome! What are most excited about when the game launches?
  14. Is it out?

    @Vinnie_Schmittburg @Danthecancerman If you pledge $30 or more you get access to the modules, beta and full release. pledging $15 will only give you access to the full game, but that is a while away. Once the game is actually out it will be increased to around $40. We listed the full game at $15 so that people who are willing to wait can support us through development. If you want earlier access we have given you the option for that as well.
  15. You won't be able to go in houses unless you own them.
  16. Is it out?

    Rated 18+ but won't be strictly enforced.
  17. Is it out?

    No version is playable, the first module is scheduled for March 21, but nothing else is confirmed yet.
  18. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    New newspaper machine finished by our newest artist JamesB!
  19. off duty


    Not currently
  21. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    Goodmorning citizens! These new screenshots of the Town Square include paint overs and images to add edits and proper realism to the final product so the TS won't essentially look like this on release, but here's some new pictures for you to enjoy as we draw closer to March 21!
  22. Play Time?

    The first module will have apartment customization, a phone with a friends list you can interact with, a cinema where you can watch movies, library where and art gallery where you can read/write books as well as displaying your artwork you created in your apartment. Character customization, board games, and a place to go eat wit ha karaoke bar.