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Chase last won the day on May 1 2019

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About Chase

  • Birthday 09/08/1996

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  1. A Quick Peak

    I was gone for a few months due to multiple training events. After playing classic Wow for the past month, I remembered this game concept. I was thinking about testing the module again, but there was no update since I've been back. How is the module and should I use the data for it?
  2. Im giving it till the end of june or july

    Guns shouldn't be their focus. Making RP possible in the module should.
  3. You buy into it. I do not recommend
  4. So.... Is Identity dead?

    Factual arguments? How is this factual argument? If a politician told you, "there is nothing suspicious going on" would laugh in their face.
  5. Idenity looks Dope!

    Welcome. Don't get into the BETA
  6. So.... Is Identity dead?

    If it was an estimate, he would clarify that. Grasping at straws, to make an excuse, is why people feel this is a sketchy. Fair confidence and still a few months off? Not to mention it was hardly functional. A lot of the complaining here is from how bad the PR i and yet, the staff continue to repeat their mistakes.
  7. So.... Is Identity dead?

    It took 30 seconds to find this. I'm not just pulling this out of a hat. Can you at least verify before you say things? You're a moderator.
  8. LOL. Yeah, he went off the rails with that one. The issue will eventually be fix. There was no reason for that guy to tell you that it wasn't supposed to be in this module. People really need to slow their roll.
  9. We were right, and you can't argue with us anymore.

    That's called rationalization. It's a method people use when making excuses. The excuse, in your case, is for disregarding someone's opinion. Proof? Twice you set a standard for disregarding someone's opinion. The first was under 10 post; you then raised it to under 30. You will keep raising it until the person has more than you. This is inconsistent and will lead to cognitive dissonance, eventually. Once you reach that wall, you will switch to another method to rationalize your actions. The best route you can take, in this situation, is a Rogerian argument. You start by acknowledging his or her concerns and providing an alternate way of thinking. By not compromising, you're showing a lack of interest in their point of view. You are advertising yourself as an obstacle rather than a source of knowledge. Thought, you don't care. You will never care. Your reactions to any similar situation will be the same and you will not mature.
  10. The Town Square is coming to Steam!

    Do you think the severs are prepared for the demand?
  11. The Town Square is coming to Steam!

    Will the servers be available to join when the game files release?
  12. The Town Square is coming to Steam!

    And to anyone that wants to say, "The store page confirms it", I can think of multiple ways it could still be delayed.
  13. The Town Square is coming to Steam!

    Yeah. There was no delay. Yet, at least. Don't get your hopes up though. Look forward to the Holidays, not this module.
  14. About the staff who made this module

    Yeah, this is starting to look like a free-to-play game. Just look at the shop
  15. The Town Square is coming to Steam!

    I'm just don't understand why people need a set time. People are prioritizing the release date over the execution. It's a back and forth caused by terrible communication.