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About bobtrees

  • Birthday August 7

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  1. Identity Theft

    With the title I figured this would be another post accusing the developers, glad to see it isn't
  2. Hey XZOTHI! I haven't seen any specific announcements for horses, but judging from the level of realism they are going for I would assume so
  3. Release date of beta

    Hey Creepind! This question has been asked a ton if you browse around (and I believe there is a search function somewhere). But to answer your question, if you mean the modules the first will be released within the next few months! Hope this helped
  4. TL;DR would be much appreciated
  5. realistic

    So far from what we have seen, there will be bombs (most likely both the TNT miners use to dig, and otherwise) and as for the face there most likely will be blood, but as for the bruising that might be a cool feature added in the future
  6. Afraid of Pre-Ordering

    Hey Timblegoorn, I completely understand your concern (I've gone through similar thoughts). The reason they have completed housing before anything else is because they are trying to push the release of the module quickly, and housing is one of the MAJOR points in it. They are working on other aspects of the game, but this one was a priority for the time being. As for the worry about the money, a while ago they sent out a tweet saying that they were going to partner with a company, but they were very vague. Sorry for the long paragraph but I hope this helps
  7. As of right now its only on green-light, here is a link
  8. Hello there

    Same I would also like to thank everyone for making this community a good one. Theres almost no trolling or salt
  9. Anyone Interested in a Pub/Bar?

    Or you could both work for me
  10. Concerns about early Identity's Economy

    I seem to remember that the developers said that there would not be any AI in the game, and that all jobs will be filled with players. Can anyone confirm?
  11. The language

    Interesting question, as of right now I don't think there will be any kind of translator, but the official EU server should have other Italians, or maybe you can find a community made one with only Italian players
  12. Pledged

    The $15 pledge gives you a founder's hat and a passport for the full game
  13. relationship with other players

    THIS THREAD.... It's making me cry. But I'll be honest, this will apply to me too
  14. RDM

    I would assume that the police would have some sort of camera system in the city(s) and town(s) to keep track of everything, although if your in the middle of nowhere I'm not sure what could be done about that.
  15. Anyone Interested in a Pub/Bar?

    Hey everyone, I was wondering if any of the users would be interested in a bar to hang out when Identity launches to meet new people (I would be organizing the whole thing if there is enough feedback). Post questions in the comments and thanks for reading