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About GotYourSix

  • Birthday July 23

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  1. LPR Licence plate reader

    It's more widely known as ALPR. Search it up on google images. They also have a website.
  2. To the Devs

    Nice to have another LEO. I made a post stating pretty much the exact same thing, but I haven't been contacted yet.
  3. This is exactly how it works. Only extremely large departments have their own fulltime teams.
  4. Police Department

    Hey just saw this. I think you should have aCaptain for each position. If so, I'd love to be the Captain for the Gang Unit.
  5. A couple of questions

    I'm pretty sure it will be there own. Don't quote me on that tho
  6. A couple of questions

    The sooner you invest, the better. The price will rise when the first module comes out. There is really no official approximate date but many people have been saying late March. It's the second package to access it. Oh and lastly the finished product will be on Steam, the modules will use their own launcher.
  7. will there be real on/off job times?

    I don't think this is how it'll work. If anything, going on and off duty should be the choice of the user.
  8. [POLICE] Organization & Structure

    This is how my department works. We have a team that is always on call but never patrols as swat. Instead, swat members have other roles. So a patrol guy who is on the team is only called in for swat details when needed.
  9. "Police" forum tags.

    I think we should make forum tags that say "Police" for people who are officers. This would strain out some of the people that claim to be officers who are really not. This could also allow for the devs to see what actual police officers think about mechanics they are putting in place. In doing this, we would have officers provide proof that they are commissioned, so a picture of a badge, id, or take home car. This obviously will change on a case by case basis depending on said individuals policy on sharing that type of info.
  10. [POLICE] Organization & Structure

    I like the system you guys are trying to implement, but I feel like it will be way too complicated for your normal person. My departments structure is much more simple but still gets the job done. -Chief -Deputy Chief/s -Commander - Each division has its own commanders, so CIS has a few, patrol has a few and so on. -Lieutenant - This is each squads direct supervisor. So when A squad is on, they go to their lieutenant. B and C squad would use theirs. -Corporal - aka "Officer in charge" since LTs are at the station more than they are on the road, this officer acts as a leader and can substitute for a LT if they are sick. -Officer - If you don't have an official rank you fall under this. Detectives, traffic, SROs, and so on. A large majority of departments in my state use this system. Overall, I feel like it's easier to understand for someone who isn't a LEO or doesn't have outside roleplay experience like most of you guys. And sorry if my grammar sucked in this lol, I've had a really fucking long day.
  11. In game phone

    I think it will be the same as the computer plus a gps, texting, calling, and other phone stuff.
  12. Experienced Police Officer

    I'm an officer in my local city, I'm not super active on the forums though. If you have any questions regarding policing in general just let me know.
  13. Who here has law enforcement "experience?"

    I'm an officer in my local city. Aside from that, I tried Arma 3 Life and I didn't enjoy it as much as Arma 2 Life policing.