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Everything posted by Honestii

  1. Map name?

    I thought it was called Turtle Beach (IDK WHERE I SAW THIS)
  2. A couple of questions

    I need to wait until I get a new computer, my current computer is nearly good enough to run this game on decent settings and such, so I have plenty time to save up. Thank you.
  3. How will creating items in-game work? (That's it) @Motown
  4. Not even crafting, I mean like designing clothing or other items that player owned businesses can sell.
  5. Yeah exactly, if im trying to create an article of clothing for my stores I would need some sort of "crafting" if you could even call it that. Maybe like a program on a computer where you can design your own stuff. (IDK)
  6. Uber

    I never said that it had to be called Uber. Get creative. Bus, limo and other types of transportation exist I really believe in this. Just an idea to put out there don't give up yet.
  7. Folie - Clothing Line

    The island identity is rumoured to be in is called Turtle Beach based off of Myrtle Beach in South Carolina. I'm glad we at Unit 6 have some competition. Good luck.
  8. Uber

    I think this is a great idea, obviously others don't but if this is a real life simulator (basically) then things like this should exist in the game. I'd like to hopefully see this in-game, good luck.
  9. Aegis Security Consulting Jobs

    Obviously this was well thought about, great idea :) I'd like to see it in-game, good luck.