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Posts posted by Cstove

  1. 9 minutes ago, jjustgreg said:

    As I stated before, it can differ from country to country. We could very easily talk about "Gun violence" and compare a lot of different countries. As you state "American Adults". I'm not from the US, and not everyone here is from the US.

    "I would find it very weird for someone to drunk drive to "troll" since it would make them suffer possibly jail time and a suspended drivers license (if that's a thing)"
    Robbing people can get you jailed as well. To think that NOBODY will "Troll" with drunk driving, is extremely naive. Just look at games like GTA:O, people find it funny to drive drunk and try to hold their cars straight. That is also trolling. And the thing you forget, is that servers can pretty much dictate the punishment for things. For example, they could have the nudity settings for all the "Official" servers on "No nudity". Not only that, they could simply say that streaking/trolling can put you X amount of time in jail.

    "I really can't see the benefits of adding nudity"
    If that's what you think, that's great. You can have your opinion. I can easily say that "I don't see the benefits of adding guns as it can be used to troll people". "I don't see the benefits of adding drugs/alcohol/anything".
    Just because a game has features, doesn't mean you're FORCED to use them. It's about adding immersion for people who want that.
    Just because YOU won't use it, doesn't mean IT SHOULDN'T be in there.
    The "trolling" concerns you have with it, I just told you how easy it is to fix that. Heck, even prevent it, without ignoring the entire feature for everyone.

    They could've made an simple "cops and robbers" game, but they added so many features, because the devs know, that even though not all of them will be used perse, it's about giving the players choice.


    @LordBenji The reason I don't go into further discussion with you is simple. I gave you answers, yet you keep repeating the same thing. Again, I answered your concerns about "Twitch" and "Nudity", yet you choose to ignore that, and again post something from Twitch, which I already gave an answer to.

    Yes, in the end it's the DEVS who decide what goes in the game, and what won't. That's why this is in the "Suggestions" section. If you look at the other topics in the "suggestion" section, you will see a buttload of things that "The devs didn't want to put in".
    I'm always open to discussion, but if you ignore me AND @Xzothi , then you shouldn't be angry at me, when I see your post as "Not adding to the discussion".
    In the end, you and I can have different opinions. You could hate the idea, and I could love it. It doesn't matter. It's about adding things to the conversation. For example, if you hate the idea, give me some arguments as to why adding nudity would be seen as a negative?
    I'm not asking for some MMO Porno nonsense, simply adding immersion, and even giving answers as to how they can be implemented, without the game having to suffer from Steam or Twitch. If anything, it would actually drive more people to the game. Some because they want "Tiddies" and some because they like the idea of a sim game with this scale, having the option to choose how far the immersion goes.


    It’s not gonna be in the game.  Sure there are some RP purposes for it.  But the devs have good reasons for why it’s not in the game.  That’s all there is to it, not trying to be an ass, but it’s not gonna be in the game, so no point in arguing it anymore.

  2. The devs have talked about this.  There is a timer to leave the game and also your character remains in the game for a couple minutes after disccoencting.  You can look through the twitch highlights to find the clip of the devs talking about this.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Dandi said:

    Hey guys. I'm currently thinking quite hard if I should get the VIP package (the $500 one) or not. My current package is Speed Demon (the $250 pack), and the benefits I see are not that great, at least in my opinion. Mind if I ask for your opinion? I mean, I would wanna upgrade but.. eventually I pay for clothing and 1 more bedroom, is that worth $250?


    And for those who wonder, money is no problem.


    You could also just wait for the new website, there will be different pledge packages. 

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  4. 47 minutes ago, TheAwesomeMutant said:

    there should be drunkness. like drink to much alcohol and you cant walk/drive straight, your camera keeps wobbling around, and high contrast/other visual effects.

    also you could have BA test for police


    This will be in the game!  If you get pulled over and are drunk cops will be able to tell, and you can be arrested for a DUI

  5. I believe this dev team is very talented.  How they started off as a small team who created Altis Life for Arma 3, and really kickstarted modern MMORPG.  To now with there increased size of a team.  This game is going to take a lot of time.  And I wouldn’t be suprised if the full game isn’t out until sometime in 2020. But I truly believe in this game.  And I will wait as long as it takes, because the concept of this game sounds like the best game ever to me. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, Liquidised said:

    Will there be stockings for female characters? and could you wear them with any shoes, shirt or pants? because in GTA 5 it prohibits you to wear stockings with shoes other than some high heels. My last question is will there be longer hairstyles for female characters? by long I mean down to about the knees or lower back?


    There will be longer hairstyles for women.  At the launch of TS there will be 4 hairstyles available for women.  They will add more after release of TS.  And there will be a lot more also in the full version of the game.

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