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Posts posted by Cstove

  1. 32 minutes ago, facade said:

    i mean, what's wrong with waiting for however long it takes? just go on with your life and check it after it comes out. you're not sacrificing anything by waiting for a game to release.


    Yea i agree with you, its not like I spend every minute of the day waiting for this game.  Im very excited for Identity and have been waiting a very long time like others.  But I go on about my life, and when the game comes out it comes out, simple as that.

  2. 12 minutes ago, jjustgreg said:

    I like the idea, but we should think bigger.
    Why not have the mayor or ruling party decide these things. The positive about that, is that when "the people" see these things happen under the rule of a certain party, it could sway people to vote for another party.

    Creating a more dynamic power struggle.
    But the idea is interesting


    It all comes down to what mechanics, revolving around this, that the devs implement. 

  3. 1 hour ago, FlyIgnite said:

    Me and my friend both have Geforce Gtx 1050 ti 4gb. I have a AMD FX 8350 and he has the 4350 and we both have 8gb of RAM. With our setups can we run this game and expect to have a good time?


    We don’t know for sure yet, but you guys would most likely have to play on low settings.  Maybe medium settings, your graphics card and ram are fine, just your CPUs are kinda weak.  Can you guys run gta 5, Arma 3, and or ark well?

  4. 6 hours ago, MichaelPayne said:

    Official Sponsorship Announcement

    I would like to announce our sponsorship of LK Motorsports!

    Here at Velocity Logistics we have a passion for motorsports, and are glad to be a part of the team and would like to wish them all the best of luck in their future competition!

    Here is a concept of our sponsorship design for the racecar:


    - Michael CEO


    Looks awesome!

  5. 21 minutes ago, Frostybeans said:

    they been polishing for a year now since TS was originally planned to come out almost a year ago to the date. this better be spotless with the amount of polishing they doing


    That’s not true at all... they’ve recreated Town Square 3 Times now to make it better.  They haven’t been “polishing” for a year now.

  6. 57 minutes ago, Theory said:

    Yeah I literally thought of doing the same, and my friend links me on steam to this post. Love the idea and seems promising. I wonder how obtaining firearms would work in this game, and would you require permits to do such things.


    Some guns like handguns will be purchaseable from stores, you will need a license to purchase and possess legally.  Larger guns will be harder to obtain and illegal like assault rifles.

  7. 3 minutes ago, polydorou said:

    Guys there is nothing to argue on here...the dev team promised us some things and I fell as we get closer  to the release date (April 23rd) more content will come out from the dark.

    We have waited for such a long time..2.5 weeks is nothing! Have patience


    That’s what I’m saying

  8. 5 minutes ago, HomerSimpson said:

    Great idea and i am 100% sure that u can work around it if they don't add in news papers. I was thinking about doing the same thing, like just being a reporter or anything, so let me know if you need any help.


    There will be news papers in Identity! Some stories are people written, others are automatically created.

  9. 6 minutes ago, HomerSimpson said:

    This is a great idea. I have started fight clubs before in other games, and it went successfully, so I hope everything will go well and sign me up as a fighter.


    Me too, I agree!  I want to get into boxing in Identity also.

  10. Just now, TheHolyNZF said:

    They should have something worth showcasing ready already at this point. But on the other hand you're right. The limited time is better spent on actually developing stuff.


    I mean they showed us the character customization UI... On one of the streams the devs talked about how they don’t want to show gameplay of something until it is finalized, because a lot of people who will be seeing Identity for the first time might have bad impressions if they see a feature that’s not complete.  The devs said they just want to perfect everything before showing it off. 

  11. 1 hour ago, TheHolyNZF said:


    And about the videos, generally where a picture may tell more than thousand words, a video can tell more than thousand pictures.  For the TS trailer, it can wait. However it would have been nice to see the devs showing the character creation in action instead of a single picture.


    There still touching it all up, working out all the bugs and stuff.


    2 hours ago, lamona said:

    I'm not sure what part you disagree with as I'm just referring to what the dev blogs said. While the video could come out a few days before the release date, all we've gotten since they told us we'd be getting more media is two screenshots (one of a building that won't be functioning on release) and more bathroom assets. There hasn't been any change to the output, basically. 

    This won't really matter if it does arrive on time, but if it doesn't, it's just another delay being worsened by miscommunication. Any ideas why April isn't mentioned anywhere in the blog?


    I don’t think there will be a delay, they didn’t mention a date in the dev blog because everything is on track to release on time.

  12. 21 minutes ago, lamona said:

    In the previous blog, we were assured there would be media including a Town Square trailer video "overviewing the features you'll find inside" coming up before the release date on April 23. The trailer is mentioned in a Twitch clip with no date. 

    Now, the Town Square release is described as if that date doesn't exist: "We're going to be showing you exactly where our development stands in regards to each milestone, such as the Town Square release." We already know where it stands, it's due to release in less than three weeks. 

    That being said, the dev blog is the most obvious way to announce the delay. Leaving it for the redesigned website and tracker would be a far cry from transparent and open communication, lol.


    I don’t agree.  The video should release a few days before TS.  Right now there just polishing up TS and finalizing everything for the release, like fixing up animations.