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Everything posted by Cstove

  1. There will be longer hairstyles for women. At the launch of TS there will be 4 hairstyles available for women. They will add more after release of TS. And there will be a lot more also in the full version of the game.
  2. Could be out as soon as today, if not then with in the next few days. The devs are finishing up sometbing rn that they want to put in the blog.
  3. Hey Guys!

    Welcome to the community!
  4. Hello Everyone!

    Welcome! The first module, Town Square, is set to release on April 23rd.
  5. What are types of government in Identity

    I get what your saying. But the devs have talked about how the governor has a limit of how low and high he/she can set the taxes. So I don’t think there is a system where the economy and government could be a communist one.
  6. Freelance Graphic Designer

    Im sure there are a lot of companies here that could use your work! Looks good!
  7. Hello all!

    Welcome to the community!
  8. What guns do you want to see?

    Snipers will not be in the game.
  9. What are types of government in Identity

    Go check out more posts in this section. You’ll find all the people who plan to run for office and what type of government party they will be affiliated with.
  10. Billiards & Bowling

    Playing cards and gambling will be in the game as there are casinos. Another mini game that is confirmed is paintball. I would love to see bowling and pool in the game! Would also be cool to be able to play poker with your friends inside your home. And be able to own a pool table in your home.
  11. What are types of government in Identity

    If you are elected governor. You have the ability to adjust certain taxes, and possibly implement new rules to the city. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to run a full communist government.
  12. Religious Workers in the game?

    I mean sure you can preach, I’m unsure if the game will have churches though.
  13. LK Motorsports (POST IS W.I.P)

    looks cool!
  14. Firearms: Concealment

    I also agree, I think small handguns should be able to be concealed.
  15. Computer Store

    You could own a furniture type store that could sell lamps, couches, and that sort of thing. Im not sure about speakers and phones though. But the whole building PCs thing will not be a possibility.
  16. Hi !!!! From Spain !!!!

  17. Alpha Military Corporation

    Probably just in-active on the forums.
  18. I want my character to sort of look like Lamar Davis from GTA V.
  19. Skull & Bones Recordings

    This looks awesome! Good work.
  20. Probably not, if you tried would probably be very laggy.
  21. Street Gang

    Anyone starting a street gang or wants to be in one?

    Is your caps lock broken?
  23. Furniture

    No I don't think so. You need 1 bedroom per person living in your house/apartment.
  24. Honestly can this topic just be locked like why we still talking about this.
  25. What are your specs?