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Everything posted by Cstove

  1. Officer enquiry

    There won’t be seprate police forums for official servers, it will be quite relaxed. But private servers have the ability to white list the police and what not.
  2. I have returned!

    Welcome back
  3. Town Square Release Date

    Correct it is on steam as a hidden game, however John said to exptect to wait up to another week once tracker is complete for steam.
  4. Identity Surpasses 26000 Members

  5. What's the discord link?

  6. Town Square Release Date

    You forgot to add in the extra week it takes for steam.
  7. Game Requirements

    Ark is one of the games the devs said a while back, as it also uses Unreal Engine 4. And I’m not taking about TS, talking about full game. TS will be a lot easier to run.
  8. Game Requirements

    No official requirements out yet, but If you can run GTA 5, Arma 3, and Ark then you should be fine.
  9. Car parks and garages

    No cars until Racing Module.
  10. Town Square Module Size?

    It won’t be that big, you’ll be able to see the whole map by running around and what not.
  11. Quick Thank You

    Me too!
  12. Quick Thank You

    I think the forums are going to be the same on new site, hopefully it will all transfer over.
  13. More ideas and suggestions

    You technically could deliver food to someone for payment.
  14. Town square video

    John also plans to show off TS game play soon on stream.
  15. Well we’re still waiting for module 1 of 3, then beta comes out, and then full game. It takes a long time to make a game, especially one this big with such a small dev team. Plus they’ve started over twice, and they just got the amount of funding they needed a year and a half ago.
  16. Well the full release of Identity probably wont be until 2020 or maybe 2021, so if a console version ever did come out probably would be like 4-5 years from now. (Again this is all personal speculation, none of these dates come from the the Devs here.)
  17. Not currently, the devs said they want to look into a console port after the full release of Identity, but that would be years down the road. However Identity will have full controller support.
  18. Car Spawning

    If a car is just sitting around somewhere for a certain amount of time it will despawn back to your garage, in order to keep the lag down and have servers run smoothly.
  19. Noo, you can not be an animal lol. And you can't be a kid, all the characters are "adults". Now nothing is stopping you from RPing as a 15 year old however, but your character will look like all others.
  20. How long will the town square be available for?

    Will be available until the beta I believe.
  21. Gta 5 is 81km^2, so the map of Identity is over double the size of gta 5
  22. Excited for this

    We all are!
  23. Alrighty then

    lol, I ruined it by 1