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Everything posted by Cstove

  1. Identity game price question

  2. hope for the best!

    That’d be pretty cool!
  3. hope for the best!

    I want to work for a big Corporation , but I also want to look into cooking meth.
  4. I’m pretty sure they can’t avoid taxes, it will be something that happens, not a choice.
  5. Other modules

    The TS module is also the foundation for Identity, plus it’s been restarted multiple times, so that’s why it’s taking such a while. Swat should be the fasted module to release, while racing will come out quicker than TS, it’s said to take longer than Swat module.
  6. Estimated Release?

    Idk about that, I’m just trying to be realistic, it’s gonna be atelast a few more weeks.
  7. Task list photos | UPDATED DAILY!

    Im wondering this myself...
  8. Task list photos | UPDATED DAILY!

    Sorry to hear man! Hope you are able to spend the week with loved ones. We all appreciate you doing these updates for us!
  9. Farming?

    There are public farm plots that are first come and first serve. But I believe u can buy your own farm plots, I’m not for sure though.
  10. It’s already been confirmed for a while that players can own shops...
  11. Expensive brands

    I don’t fully understand what you mean. You can start your own brand and upload images from the internet, so in theory you could upload Gucci’s logo. But the devs may not let it go through. I believe they will have a system that approves images to make sure they’re appropriate. They might decline your image if you use a real companies logo to avoid a copy right lawsuit.
  12. Game Requirements

    Maybe u have a ?
  13. Expensive brands

    Devs Can’t use actual brands as that’s copyright. But players can start their own brand that they can chose to be an expensive brand.
  14. Game Requirements

  15. Game Requirements

    1060 6gb is a really good card!
  16. Town Square Release Date

    Nope. It can take up to a week for steam to go through and approve the game .
  17. Estimated Release?

    My guess would be the end of may or early June. The devs have made great progress so far, and 2 weeks after launching the task tracker they have made it past the halfway mark. Plus John just mentioned they hired 4 new programmers, so that should speed things up aswell.
  18. Car requests/suggestions

    Great list!
  19. Game Requirements

    Well i mean it’s an older card compared to a 1050. 9 series compared to 10 ten series. A 970 is better than a 1050.
  20. Game Requirements

    Yea u right. a 970 is more powerful than a 1050.
  21. Car requests/suggestions

    1,2,6,7, and 8! I also want cars inspired by those ones
  22. Town Square Release Date

    A month is pretty minor, better than 6 months
  23. WHY NOT?

    ?..... lol
  24. Officer enquiry

    We should hopefully be getting TS by the end of this month or in June, and then next would be Swat Module which has no ETA. My guess end of this year or early next year.