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Everything posted by Cstove

  1. Weekly Hopes #3

    Not mad
  2. Art Should be finished today!

    They got 2 more days this week, and 2 more weeks in may after that to finish up the last 17 tasks. So 12 work days to finish 17 tasks, I think is doable, but we shall have to wait and see.
  3. Weekly Hopes #3

    Shouldn’t this be called daily hopes? Since ur making one everyday.
  4. You’ll most likely be good then!
  5. Players can not build new homes.
  6. Can you run games like: Arma 3, GTA 5, and/or Ark?
  7. Warehouse District

    There probably will be
  8. Release

    Not an official ETA, but a good, broad guess would be anywhere from end of May to early- mid June.
  9. Game is a scam?

    They’re still working on the game! The devs have started over twice, due to them wanting to increase their standards. Check out the task tracker, to see how close we are to the TS release.
  10. High Rise Offices

    I am almost positive you can have an office in a skyscraper, hopefully some luxury ones like this! Would be cool!
  11. You'd think that we'd see more gameplay

    I agree, I want to see more gameplay. The Devs' reasoning is they want everything to be perfect when they show off TS, because first impressions are everything in the gaming industry.
  12. Strip Club?

    You can't own a strip club in Identity. You could own a restaurant and hire people to "dance" in it. That is if they add a dancing emote or something.
  13. Black Diamond Enterprises

    Looks really cool!
  14. How long will the town square be available for?

    TS has not been released, we are we getting closer though!
  15. Police Shifts

    Yea like everyone else said you can work when you want, you will just go into a police station and likely go up to some menu or NPC that will present the option to go on and off duty.

    Also you can cut lumber. And for prison, there will be no prison jobs as the devs think that would be too boring of a job to just stand around as a guard.
  17. Yea it’s an interesting idea, but Asylum entertainment would never be able to make this sort of deal, the stations that broadcast these games would never make a deal like this.
  18. Broke Protocol?

    It’s roblox graphics ?
  19. Maintenance Services

    Appliance and house maintenance no. But you could repairs cars. And guns can be repaired, so you could specialize in that and charge people for you to repair them.
  20. Tasers in game ?

    Tasers are gonna be hype.
  21. Well there are so many people in a server, I would assume the jury will be quit random, maybe the devs will add a feature like how in real life a lawyer can kick off certain members of the jury. Prison will be its own little game inside of Identity, you can walk around and talk to other inmates, join a prison game, and shank people, etc.
  22. hope for the best!

    Mechanics will only repair stuff. Also I believe its not an official job in Identity.
  23. Should I Upgrade

  24. Programming and Bugs Please Tell

    As long as tasks are getting done, I don’t think it matters.
  25. Was the closed beta date confirmed?

    Smart idea!