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Everything posted by Cstove

  1. Yes he can say what the max time is. Because the devs have said many times as of rn the max time is 45 minutes.
  2. I’m not doing anything, I’m just telling you how it is.
  3. Yea we’ll this isn’t San Andreas multiplayer bud...
  4. No. No limitations like this. There could be 100 gangs one server, but the probability of that happening is low. There are so many things to do in Identity, being in a gang is a small portion of it. I don’t think you realize that there is a good balance in what people want to be in Identity. Identitys twitter page had a poll a while back that was pretty evenly split 3 ways between ; criminal, civilian, and police.
  5. There’s no paychecks in Identity, you get paid for completing tasks and doing stuff. If you’re a cop you get Paid for writing tickets and arresting people, etc. if you’re a delivery driver, you don’t have a salary instead you get paid when you complete deliveries. Now however business owners could pay their employees additional money like a salary but there is no system to guarantee that you will be payed. The value of money in Identity will be similar to the USD. However Identity’s economy is player driven, so expect to see all sorts of price changes in goods throughout time.
  6. I don’t think we have a specific number yet.
  7. When will this game fully release (poll)?

    Full release of game will not be next year.
  8. Full game probably won’t be out until 2020 or 2021 even..
  9. Optimization

    John plans on adding in the gun range and the tattoo parlor shortly after the release of TS.
  10. 12 Tasks left!

    We’re all anxious for TS.
  11. On low? You tripping? A 1070 will be able to run this game on high settings easy!
  12. You'd think that we'd see more gameplay

    No need to argue this anymore, because we’re going to see TS Footage on the next live stream.
  13. If you can run games like GTA V, Arma 3, and Ark then you should be fine.
  14. Current plan for the next stream (May 29th)

    Very good news!!
  15. Safe Lending

    No system for this.
  16. How this game will surpase even GTA

    They didn’t fail, they weren’t tryin for a real life sim.
  17. How this game will surpase even GTA

    GTA does not simulate real life, everyone drives around in tanks and armored vehicles, while they carry 20+ guns.
  18. How this game will surpase even GTA

    I don’t think comparing GTA and Identity is a good comparison. GTA is more of a sandbox open world for going around killing people and blowing shit up. Where identity focuses way more on player v player interactions and RP.
  19. Well you’re not going to be able to invade homes. And if people see you waiting outside then they probably will just wait for you to leave, or call the cops on you, so good luck.
  20. This game isn’t real life tho... it’s a video game.
  21. How do you feel about this?

    I understand how they were waiting for the CC company to get back to them, but you would think after waiting for multiple weeks they’d find a new company to do business with. Because obviously this CC was too busy to handle Them and didn’t value their business much if it takes them nearly a month.
  22. Bourne Car Rental

    Cool idea, but i dont see how it will work as you can only "spawn" one of your cars out at a time.
  23. 15 Task's left!!

    Early June is my guess
  24. Naming your company...

    I’d never trust a courier service called forever delayed.