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Everything posted by Cstove

  1. What is going on with the Town Square Development?

    The main bugs that they know about are patched now.
  2. Custom Jewelry, Diamond/Stone setting

    Thank you! I really hope to have my own jewelry store in Identity.
  3. Yes, if open a storefront you can sell clothing and accessories, rings for example.
  4. Wedding rings will exist in identy!
  5. Ig/irl linked Stock Market! (POLL)

    It’s not a priority
  6. Mod Workshops For User Mods

    No mod support In the begging, possibly later in the future. But there’s will still be a ton of settings that private servers can play around with.
  7. No TS footage today on stream
  8. Cool idea! There wont be an ability to design jewelry in Identity. But you can design your own clothing line.
  9. Ig/irl linked Stock Market! (POLL)

    Would be cool, but it's not going to happen.
  10. body customization

    Maybe, if it became possible it wouldn't be until sometime after full release of game.
  11. New Fallout?

    Yea I’m not excited by it lol
  12. Yea I kinda agree. He’s a nice guy, but when I listen to him talk about Identity he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, like he Dosent really know much about the game. And the other day In his video some of the stuff he was saying was totally false.
  13. body customization

    The problem the devs have with it, is that clothing fits on characters as layers, and so with each specific body size they would have to recreate the clothing to fit that body size.
  14. They usually work 9-5, but Monday a bunch of devs stayed late. And the tracker is updated now so why do u still care ?
  15. Estimated Release?

    whatever u say man..
  16. Hitman (recruiting)

    Just to let you know, as soon as you kill someone in Identity you be marked Amanda flagged by cops, so you better have an escape plan.
  17. Town Square Release what can we do

    No ETA for beta, probably will be in 2020, that’s my guess.
  18. 12 Tasks left!

    If you didn’t know that TS was just a social module then ur kinda dumb. That being said it will still be fun!
  19. Estimated Release?

    You tripping, they only have 10 tasks left to finish for TS to be done.
  20. body customization

    No. Body’s do not have physical change in size and shape. The devs hope to add that in later after release of full game.
  21. No they shouldn’t, you should have to be in game for your time to count. Others that’d never dumb and people would just log.
  22. Ig/irl linked Stock Market! (POLL)

    Inn saying it would be complex to add into the games economy, with all the different serves, and all the players buying stocks from fake business. WOuld be cool if u could buy stock in real identity business that are actually owned by players in game. But I highly doubt the devs would ever do this.
  23. I don’t know if they’re going to be showing gameplay in tomorrow’s stream. Did they say they would?

    I mean the modules will give you a taste of how certain features of identity will work.
  25. Bodybuilding/Gyms

    I’m not entirely sure, but I believe it will make your character stronger when it comes to fighting/boxing.