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LilChicken last won the day on July 6 2016

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15 Apple Picker


About LilChicken

  • Birthday 04/15/2002

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  1. Hello from Argentina

    Welcome, before you ask, NO, you cannot have the Falklands.
  2. Wolf Corporation

    Weird flex but okay
  3. Hello, everyone! I'm excited to be here!

    test message to see what my rank was lmao
  4. Character Idea

    I think that's called a whore and or bisexual
  5. CCSF Is willing to provide support for anyone concerned
  6. Dispatch

    Ah right ok and will it be like any other career through the police to attain?
  7. Dispatch

    Excellent! any idea how this will work to start off? going to be anarchy without any police haha. this is a role I'd very much like to look into
  8. A MESSAGE TO THE CORRUPT Political leaders

    I regret to inform you but without a government in place there is no one to be corrupt sorry
  9. Dispatch

    Will there be some kind of player operated dispatch for emergency services and will players be able to call them?
  10. ShadowCo Insurance (Overhaul)

    ShadowCo Insurance Our partnership with the CCSF allows us to provide preventative measures to ensure your valuables are not compromised in the first place. Here at ShadowCo Insurance, we provide high-quality Low-Cost insurance for all your business, personal and less legitimate needs. Our interest lies in protecting your valuables and assets from being taken, damaged or destroyed. Unfortunately, at this time we cannot provide cover for lost items. If a company officials decided that you're items are of extreme value and are in extreme danger of being stolen or tampered with we shall provide through our partnership with CCSF the deemed necessary security for the appropriate amount of time* (Subject to availability and terms and conditions) If you would like to get a quote for insurance do not hesitate to personally message our CEO (ShadowedNation) all messages will be replied to in less than 5 working days or insurance is half price for the first month!
  11. The Brotherhood Council

    Hehe. i mean need insurance?
  12. Info on cities and towns?

    turtle beach.... no copyright problems there
  13. BETA / Modules

    I don't think it was ok for our comments on james's attitude should not have been removed.