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Everything posted by shadowkiller

  1. Aria Wheeler ~ Character Profile

    @Kickapoo I was talking about shimozukachi as he said it was clickbait and no its not bait it is a little sexist as you dont belive a girl can play this as you question her straight Away
  2. Aria Wheeler ~ Character Profile

    How is it click bait anyway? Its her photo its not like the title is "pics of me" no its her ig character so shut`up alright
  3. Aria Wheeler ~ Character Profile

    Welcome arii_a,smart idea doing a character profile i may do one P.s guys so what if shes girl and its not clickbait its like one character profile with a hot male as the photo so shut up.
  4. New Party creation.

    HA make a speech in another party's thread lol

    Alferally there is photos on Twitter and they keep answering questions on there
  6. Arsonist

  7. If dead bodies disappear, how will you investigate murders?

    i know i was telling someone that
  8. I’m not late, just arriving fashionably.

    wow...this is a hefty intro,btw your not even late its still near a year to it being available,also welcome to the forums Use all your legal needs with the hawk law firm
  9. Climate Change

    it wont,it will be to much for any system to add that in place
  10. If dead bodies disappear, how will you investigate murders?

    But what if you have a house/building on the server and you lose it during the transfer,or have friends on the server.this will never be implemented
  11. Thatcher's Guns & Hunting Supplies

    How may i acquire getting a member ship? i wish to buy some guns off you once the game has released -Daniel Ourichi
  12. Early 2017?

    Well the first module takes the longest as they will have to get the gameplay and majority of the coding done, the second and third modules will take 4 months at max as it will be a little bit of coding and map development.
  13. Identity Public Teamspeak

    @RedArr0w this will be better and cheaper but some people haven't heard of discord and people may also feel like discord is not safe with Trojans.and most people already have ts3 installed.
  14. James Hill

    I feel so sorry for you, so bad Photoshop
  15. Typing With Eyes Closed Game

    My name is not shadowednation and there are my favourite special numbers [{@3
  16. Typing With Eyes Closed Game

    restart im roralt addictred to mt computer The sea is blue and they eyes should be black
  17. PvP safe areas

    Yes and please use the search bar next time this is a question that already has been answered
  18. Private Psyche Practice

    Yea,hopefully I personally like the idea but I just don't want you to create a business and it crashes Good luck on your other ventures, How about joining hawk law firm?
  19. Private Psyche Practice

    this type of company would not work as most people won't rp that to that extent.
  20. Car dealers

    Just think how straining it would be on the servers to make your own car but repairing cars with parts may be realistic.
  21. Serious Roleplay

    I will rp as a lawyer,and own my own lawyer firm. Here is my backstory I was born in Arizona with a normal life until when I was 6, my parents got a divorce and my dad moved straight to a 19 year old girl but he was sentenced to 9 years in jail after I told the cops I saw bruises on here and some tiny cuts.When I left school I started to travel the world for two months first going to Washington D.C then London,China,Japan,Toronto then finally Germany.Once I got back I started law School and passed the final exam with"flying colours" then I started to work at red`s law firm then I quit 2 Years later and attempted to start my own firm "hawk law firm" for two years In Arizona before relocating to Berlin,Germany and three years won best European lawyer agency award in 2006 then I decided to expand and buy 3 building in washinton D.C,London and in the town of identity.
  22. space travel

    Yea, like what Donald said the devs would never add it but when the game is released moders may create a mod with that
  23. Building player capacity

    Well you can make a shop and have other people in with no bed so I think you may be able to