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  1. New Party creation.

    He referred to us, and our party so it was given that I address not only the claims made but also, his "ideas". Everyone shall be challenged no matter what view.
  2. New Party creation.

    As our name states, we're the "Conservative Coalition Party" of course our fundamental belief is conservatism, that's quite obvious in our detailed motions, we'll propose if elected, at any governmental position, we're appealing towards anyone, who believes in our nation, we're appealing to anyone, who wishes to be free from governmental destruction, which includes over regulation, over taxation. To anyone who wishes to control their own borders, and own immigration policy. To anyone whom, may be a constitutionalist, and respects the fundament for our lives. To be able to protect themselves, from governmental tyranny, and or, criminals and anyone who wishes to inflict harm upon any American individual. Now to address you're quite ignorant, view on the second amendment, and liberal arrogance, there is a reason it's the second amendment, which that, it's there to protect our first amendment which is free speech. The people who bear arms, do so to protect themselves from anyone who wishes to do them harm, and to fulfil their constitutional right which, is the right to bear arms. We do not need more gun control since it's unlawful, to abolish our people's right to protect themselves, we need to enforce laws which are currently in place. It's preposterous to claim we'll be more, "free" we'll absolutely not be free! When losing our constitutional right to bear arms! you're just another one of those, tyrannical "large government" liberals. We need less federal control, we need more localized government. Our population get's, disenfranchised when the federal government controls everything, rather than when their local councillors or MP's have a greater voice, we shall aim for a more localized government, but still having the federal government for stability and safety. The "liberal-minded people" shall most definitely, not listen to such Communist whom believes in large government, large taxes, overregulation, and wishes to tear up our constitution! instead, listen to the voice of freedom, listen to the voice of our constitution, of individual rights, of an economic powerhouse, with minimal taxes, absolutely minimal regulations, a secure border, and championing our constitutional rights! Il provide anyone insterested a link to our website where you can locate a detailed plan, which we're expanding as the day progress.
  3. New Party creation.

    Here, here!
  4. Candidacy for governor, representing the CCP.

    I'm delighted to hear that you're,standing firm on supporting my campaign. Strong conservative ideas, connect with us all! Thank you. "Change that works for you" - James Merton, candidate for governor, representing the CCP. URL:
  5. Candidacy for governor, representing the CCP.

    Yes indeed, well already establishing a campaign, and having name recognition, could potentially bolster our campaign. Haha, I could visualize such, sort of scenario, but I indeed believe the population of, our great community will choose, a serious candidate, whom will create a greater future, and change that will effect them, positively. "Change that works for you" - James Merton, candidate for governor, representing the CCP. URL:
  6. Candidacy for governor, representing the CCP.

    Sir, it's delightful to hear you didn't actually mean the name calling. Yes, I believe indeed, we may have the same views and opinions regarding Mr.Trump. I'm indeed glad to hear, you believe my view is true, on regulation, and how we cannot overregulate our economy, as I've stated we, will have minimal regulations, which our great companies, which are the foundation of our society, will indeed have to follow. We will have a strong, and forceful government regarding crime, and such. But having a free open, with minimal regulation, and minimal taxation will flourish our economy. It's wonderful to hear, you appreciate Reagan's fantastic work, it was revolutionary, indeed to our globalized world. I'm hopeful that we can, implement a great variety, of his remarkable proposals. I'm hopeful, we can work closely in making this possible, I would urge you, to visit our parties website, and I suppose, have a look around. URL: "Change that works for you" - James Merton, candidate for governor, representing the CCP. URL:
  7. Candidacy for governor, representing the CCP.

    Well, the market of identity, will itself indeed regulate most of the industry, there will be minimal regulations, but overregulation is devastating. I believe governments evil (overregulation) is not, necessary, the market itself can best decide, more regulations after the minimums have been sat in place. I believe you didn't quite understand what I meant, I claimed it was preposterous, for you to use names, "Listen here, Donald Trump" ? that's what I meant by slander, I do not wish to be associated, with such bigot as Mr.Trump. I fully forcedly respect your views, I believe it was wrong for you to proceed with using name calling. I respect each view, each opinion, of course, I do that's the lifeblood of our conservative views. So, I look forward to debating further. So I assume you quite, value Reagan's work, he was indeed greatly successful. I'm positive we'll be able, to implement some of Reagan's absolute amazing achievements, of course, the market will be new, but that will be easier, we'll have a brand new market whom, isn't overregulated and not over taxed. Sir, I can completely understand you, perhaps we "got of the wrong foot", it's remarkable that you wish for the system to flourish that's great, it's delightful to have business owners and citizens challenging politicians, of course, we can indeed have a reasonable debate, that's a great pleasure of mine. "Change that works for you" - James Merton, candidate for governor representing the CPP.
  8. -

    I don't see the difference, or perhaps the innovative spin on this idea, I understand you're personal, but what makes the different what makes innovators chose your firm? I'm sorry but 20% interest rate? That's ridiculous! that's indeed too high, you won't get anyone with that sort of interest rate lending, from your firm, you need to make it competitive, I'd like to offer my assistance to this idea, as it has potential, but needs improvement. Perhaps you could contact me, we could arrange something.
  9. Candidacy for governor, representing the CCP.

    @AndrewDonaldson Regarding the grammar, I simply didn't get to editing it to be perfect. As you would have read, I stated I wish to abolish "overregulation"which is hurting our economy, of course, we need minimal regulations, but we've become a overregulated economy, therefore I'm planning, to abolish the unnecessary regulations. The market will flourish, there are already organisations, whom regulate their own market, an example could be, the advertising industry, less regulation will indeed, be beneficial to you, and your business. As I stated, we need to relieve our companies small, medium, large of over regulation. The market does not need the governments, sneaky hands in its business, the government cannot act, as if it knows the private industry, the private industry can regulate itself. That's preposterous, utterly preposterous, I cannot take your comments seriously when you slander my name. Have you even read my proposals? At this point, I'm assuming you haven't. I CLEARLY STATED, WE NEED A MINIMAL GOVERNMENT WITH A MINIMAL TAX RATE. It's crystal clear, for anyone whom indeed has eyes. I cannot understand how, you can utterly slander our campaign and my name, cause you did not, read clearly. I stated, we shall end eminent domain, for "Private use" meaning we shall not take private land, for private use. If in such case it's a convicted criminal, that would be a clear case for eminemt domain. I'm indeed delighted to hear, we'll make sure to uphold our constitutional right, which is to bear arms. It sounds nice, but is indeed possible, we can easily implement, these conservative ideals. Ronald Reagan, cut taxes greatly, and the economic boom lasted two decades!, we don't need such a large tax rate, we'll cut it! Our population will indeed have more funds whom which they can spend into our economy that won't be overregulated!. Our change will indeed impact your life, and business in only the most positive terms. So I say believe in our conservative, platform it will work it is possible and it has been done. Here's a Reaganomics fact. 2. Reaganomics: Reagan’s mix of across-the-board tax cuts, deregulation, and domestic spending restraint helped fuel an economic boom that lasted two decades. Reagan inherited a misery index (the sum of the inflation and unemployment rates) of 19.99%, and when he left office it had dropped to 9.72%. President Obama take note: Under Reaganomics, 16 million new jobs were created. Source: "Change that works for you" - James Merton, candidate for governor, representing the Conservative Coalition Party.
  10. I've had enough of these liberals and their communist ideas! Therefore, I intend to run a campaign based on conservative ideas, and a conservative platform. First and foremost, I want to bolster our capitalist economy! We need to abolish the regulations burdening our companies! Small, medium, large they are all feeling the burden, which is overregulation! Let the market regulate itself, government should not be, involved in terrorizing innocent companies! We need to relieve our population of the burden, which is taxation! The power to tax is the power to destroy! We need a minimal government, with minimal tax rate when we relieve the people of the burden, which is taxation they will increase spending, in our open economy. We need to praise economist such as Arthur Laffer, a worldwide respected economist, whom invented the "Laffer curve" which was the successful economic model, behind Ronald Reagan’s presidency. Eminent domain, is infringing upon our privacy rights! Another law the government is abusing to destroy our liberties, this will not go on in my cabinet! The government will not steal your property, for private use. The rise of anti-gun laws proposed, and rhetoric, will not, be tolerated! We as American citizens are entitled to bear arms! There is a reason it's the second amendment it's, there to protect our first amendment! The right to bear arms will be strengthened, by my cabinet and I. We will enforce those laws currently in place, but we need to protect ourselves, from criminals, and terrorist. Therefore, the right to bear arms will be strengthened, and secured by me, as your governor, you will be able to defend yourselves. I put it to the people, we need to take back control, control of our own borders! Control of our lives, without government interfering, with high taxation or, regulations burdening our population! We will reinforce our border controls, tougher visa laws, and increase border patrol capabilities! We need to combat terrorism at home, and abroad! Increase the presence, of our elite troops and airstrikes to combat ISIL, increase the presence of NATO, in the Baltic countries and Eastern Europe as a whole. Vote for a conservative bright future! I will stand firm on my views, defending them and defending freedom, democracy, and our economy! "Change that works for you" - James Merton, Conservative Coalition Party's, candidate for governor.
  11. Parties

    Greetings, We're delighted to have you as a member of our great party. If you have any questions, regarding our policies, they are stated upon our website, or if you have any other questions, I'd be glad to answer them, as sitting secretary of the CCP.
  12. Corpus group Inc.

    I've recently established "Corpus group Inc." with the aim to specialize in global emerging markets examples as India, China, Vietnam, nations in South America, and many more, whilst also remaining a capital management firm, we seek to work for our investors, with the implementation, of well-established marketing, theories, with the change in modernisation. We seek just the best and greatest talents, both academically, but also practically. With our brilliance, and I suppose great capital firm, to attract investors. For a fee, we provide more professionalism, liquidity, and diversification.
  13. Where to invest my money?

    Greetings Charlie, I urge you to instead of directly investing into one company or one branch, that you invest your money into Corpus group Inc, we are a capital management firm, we aim to specialize in global emerging markets, whilst also remaining a, capital management firm, we seek to work for our investors, with the implementation, of well-established marketing, theories, with the change in modernisation.
  14. What will your company be?

    Company: Corpus group Inc. Our ambitions: With the establishment of "Corpus group Inc", we aim to specialize in global emerging markets, whilst also remaining a, capital management firm, we seek to work for our investors, with the implementation, of well-established marketing, theories, with the change in modernisation. Ideal employee account is hard to number, we seek the best in our field, and only the best. Main assets: With our brilliance, and I suppose great capital firm, to attract investors. For a fee, we provide more professionalism, liquidty, and diversification.
  15. So whose putting there names down for elections

    I've had enough of these liberals and their communist ideas!, Therefore, I intend to run a campaign based on conservative ideas, and a conservative platform. First and foremost, I want to bolster our capitalist economy! we need to abolish the regulations burdening our companies! small, medium, large they are all feeling the burden which is overregulation! let the market regulate itself, government should not be involved in terrorizing innocent companies!. We need to relieve our population of the burden which is taxation!, the power to tax is the power to destroy! we need a minimal government with absolutely minimal tax rate when we relieve the people of the burden which is taxation they will increase spending in our open economy. We need to praise economist such as Arthur Laffer, a worldwide respected economist, whom invented the "Laffer curve" which was the success of Ronald Reagan. Eminent domain is infringing upon our privacy rights! Another law the government is abusing to destroy our liberties, this will not go on in my cabinet!, the government will not steal your property. The rise of anti-gun laws proposed, and rhetoric, will not be tolerated! we as American citizens are entitled to bear arms! there's a reason it's the second amendment it's there to protect our first amendment! the right to bear arms will be strengthed by me and my cabinet. We will enforce those laws currently in place, but we need to protect ourselves. I put it to the people, we need to take back control, control of our own borders! control of our lives, without government interfering, with high taxation or regulations burdening our population! We will reinforce our border controls, tougher visa laws, and increase border patrol capabilities! We need to combat terrorism at home, and abroad! increase the presence of our elite troops and airstrikes to combat ISIL, increase the presence of NATO in the baltic countries and eastern Europe as a whole. Vote for a conservative bright future!, I will stand firm on my views, defending them and defending freedom, democracy, and our economy!. Vote for a Conservative future!. Vote James Merton for governor!.