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  1. Hello!!

    Welcome buddy
  2. How deep will police work actually be?

    Seems like the cop system is going to be very automated, I hope there will still be freedom for the cops to make their own decisions.
  3. Desktop thread yo

    When I upgraded to 10 it corrupted all my files, so I had to go back to 7.
  4. Desktop thread yo

    Yeah that would be awesome. Not sure if windows 7 can do that.
  5. Desktop thread yo

    Nah just a picture. I don't use a screensaver.
  6. Presidential Building

    Pretty sure it will be free, since the governor will be cycled. Its where he will set taxes and such.
  7. Pvp hijack

    I'm not being creative. This game is going to based off of what Paratus created on Asylum. Everything I recommend or say the way things will be is because its how it already is on asylum. You should look into it.
  8. Pvp hijack

    Another way to safely give a stranger a ride is to put them in zip ties until you get to your destination.
  9. Presidential Building

    I think the highest form of government will be the Governor. And he/she will have an "office".
  10. Pvp hijack

    Yeah so. If you are worried someone is going to steal your car, don't give rides. Or just always keep a gun on your person.
  11. How deep will police work actually be?

    They most likely will only worry if you have drugs on you currently. Also if I had to guess id say there wouldn't be multiple branches (FBI, CIA, ect) Just different roles in the PD. For example: Undercover unit, a unit to track down wanted criminals, and maybe they will bring combat medics over here too? With the possibility for more roles since Paratus can do whatever he wants on here.
  12. Rare Items

    They could be collectibles that you could show off in your home.
  13. Anime Listing

    Kill la Kill Akame ga kill Those are my go to recommendations.
  14. Signature.

    If no one makes you one. You can try googling one and use something you like. For example: (I did not make this)
  15. Official servers

    Damn $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$