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  1. Regular Blog Updates

    Well, if that's the case, the $15-$30 you likely pledged could be better spent elsewhere, that's a large amount of money to some people. What is the reason you pledged? Correct me if i'm wrong, but it is probably because you want to support the developers; developers which are making a game you hope has promise. That is more than likely the reason for James donating. The only difference is that James undoubtedly has the funds to pledge a greater sum of money. This is not a bad thing, far from it. Sure, I understand your point, but if the game turns out to be what everyone has hoped for, then their money is well spent. Only time will tell. But don't go around saying people have wasted their money. It's their choice to pledge how much they wish. It has nothing to do with you, or me for that matter.
  2. Regular Blog Updates

    The whole topic of our conversation has been about James pledging too much, because to you, backing a game you think has promise is a waste of money. If you have the money to do so, why not? You have not told me a good reason why you shouldn't support the developers, so I'll await your response.
  3. Regular Blog Updates

    No I wouldn't, I don't have the money to do so. But what does this have to do with what I was saying? I don't think you understand the concept of donations. We're talking about before the game is even released not when it is in stores. Even if it was, receiving a sum of money like that provides the team with many benefits, it is nowhere near close to a waste of money. Just because they have passed their goal on Kickstarter does not warrant the halt of donations, they have just met the goal they set.
  4. Regular Blog Updates

    That is exactly my point, if there were no people donating, the game would not be possible. Saying that people have wasted money because they have pledged more than others when they don't need to is a silly remark. Even if they have passed their goal, more funding is always a great benefit to a small team like the Identity developers, especially so if it comes in greater amounts.
  5. Regular Blog Updates

    I said the game would not ever be released if it was not backed by donators like James, that is not a 'stupid' thing to say. If that did not come across to you as what I said, I'm sorry. But that is what I intended to denote.
  6. Sign Waver

    Playing a game where you wave a sign around outside a business does not sound like a fun concept. But if somehow, somewhere there is a person that would like to do that... then you better hope there is a chicken suit too.
  7. Bored

    You could prepare for the steam sale that's about to hit, I know I sure am!
  8. Regular Blog Updates

    The game would not be where it is today without people like you who pledge generous amounts of money. I myself have pledged $30, and will possibly increase that in the near future. It doesn't matter if the game is unreleased, the game would never be released in the first place without copious amounts of donations. Good on you!
  9. Hello!

    May I be the first to welcome you to the great Identity community. Welcome, Ian!
  10. Train driver?

    Given how much work they have and continue to put into the game. I doubt they would cheap out on "basic" trains or the train system as a whole. They do have a Twitter page that you can visit to promote your concern if you want, they may answer your question in much more detail than I can offer.
  11. Train driver?

    Trains will not be controllable by players according to this post by Paratus, the project lead. Sorry.
  12. Mental Hospital Workers?

    Hey, Kworr. Welcome to the community! Unfortunately, I doubt this would be in the game, there is already a prison as I'm sure you're aware; I'd imagine (if becoming mentally ill was a feature of Identity) that they would just be put in the prison system. It would be cool if this was a feature though, so I'm hoping I'm completely wrong with my assumptions...
  13. Should I pre order?

    I wouldn't buy into a game if you are ever unsure about it. Wait until more information surfaces from the devs and then decide. It's good to get a solid idea of what you are buying into. It's still early in development, so things are still being ironed out... I myself have pledged, as I'd like to support the devs. You may wish to do that too. In any case, I hope to see you on the streets of Identity!
  14. Hey my names Mad :)

    Nice to virtually meet you. Welcome!