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Doc_Rogers last won the day on September 17 2017

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52 Entrepreneur


About Doc_Rogers

  • Birthday 11/27/1991

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  1. Game Warden

    I know someone mentioned park rangers and i know that I saw something about Police and Sheriff departments. Would the Sheriffs department patrol the remote forest areas or would Game Wardens be a good idea?
  2. K9 Officers

    Will K9 Officers be an option?
  3. I have a GTX 760 or 770 I cant remember. Will it run on that?
  4. Devs

    Just want to take a moment to thank the devs and the staff working to make this game possible! Im sure that you dont get enough of this. I am beyond stoked to see and play this game! Thank you for all your hard work! Thank you for the updates that you do provide! Cheers!
  5. I have faith in these guys, I think that they have something here. I mean they made an original trailer that caught my attention a few years ago. We also have to remember that they are operating out of a small office with a small staff. Im just pumped for this game! So much coding and art work that would have to go into this! It could possibly destroy GTA online!
  6. Will there be an Illegal parking system?

    Sorry just saw your reply, I will pop it on Twitter now!
  7. Will there be an Illegal parking system?

    So will parking enforcement be a thing? Or will it be all on the PD?
  8. The MC gang is back, are you still active

  9. A place to chat

    Makes sense man. I do appreciate you stopping by though.
  10. A place to chat

    Yea i remember getting on and seeing you down there. I tend to not poke people in the AFK channel unless its urgent lol. But feel free to poke me and if im there i will chit chat. Sometimes im times im in multiple Teamspeaks at once.
  11. A place to chat

    I know ive been busy the last few weeks with work and helping the lady get settled into her work. I should be around more often.
  12. A place to chat

    Well i appreciate you stopping by Ill be on tonight. Would love to chat with you one of these days. Cheers amigo!
  13. Why would it be good for a console release?

    in my opinion DayZ is a very different game. The level of RP is not anywhere near what this game will be. Now, that being said yes I agree, I do feel that most people who play purely console will not participate largely in the RP aspect as most console players seem to exist to play first person shooters. Just my personal opinion as that's really the only reason I ever touch a console anymore lol. Have they said if they will make this game VR compatible? I think that would be awesome.
  14. Why would it be good for a console release?

    No i agree with that, It will be a challenge for sure. But might just be worth it for them to try.
  15. Why would it be good for a console release?

    Its possible. I think if they really wanted to PlayStation could make ample space for it as a lot of games they have offer decent server sizes. Granted each server size is different, I don't see why PlayStation couldn't allow 100-200 players per server should the game get big enough. I mean for planet side 2 the max was 1200. Anyway, I just think it all comes down to the success of the game and the appeal to the general public. If they could get this game to console, actually even on PC this game should challenge GTA. So lets make sure we all support the hell out of this game because well, anything is possible.