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Everything posted by Fabulous

  1. And I must say, seeing how they have always kept us on the leash with "soon soon". I am very dissapointed by the release date since I have anticipated this game for so long. The reason I made this thread is to ask, is anybody in the same position as I am right now?
  2. Recent Community Toxicness

    >I am promised something >Said promise is broken >Not allowed to get upset over it I have asked this question before and I will ask it again. Why are people so blindly protecting this game, I also believe in this project but come on. They should be held accountable for their continuous lying. I have followed this game for 2.5 years and I have heard more lies than I count on 10 fingers so excuse me for being upset. Not to sound toxic but Jesus Christ if you do something shitty expect me to be upset over it. You are delivering a product not some free fan service that we should be eternally grateful for.
  3. Yet again we have been lied to. They said the trailer will be out before the end of the year, then they said its gonna be the first thing out next year. 2 weeks into 2018 still nothing. More and more soons, how many soons is the community gonna have to hear. Just be transparent with the community, if you think the answer is something we don't want to hear don't lie just tell the truth. I understand development takes time I am not blaming the developers for that but I am sick and tired of being dragged on by this game I have been waiting for literally years on these empty promises.
  4. I have seen many games in development. Why do you bring that up as an argument all the time.
  5. Yeah that's the vibe I am getting. Why is everybody defending the game with their dear life? Are you that blind to the fact that you have been lied to? Am I a bad person for being dissapointed in the fact that I was promised something "soon" for literally years. I am not demanding anything I am just bringing up a discussion... I am excited for the game but patience wears thin in a certain amount of time.
  6. The housing video was a year ago. Would love to see an update video at least. We have been patient enough, not to sound demanding but Jesus Christ
  7. The full release was set to be 2017 Q4 I just feel cheated with all of these "soon soon"s and release dates that are not going to be kept. I do think the module will be ready by March but the whole game was supposed to be released right about now. I do love the game but I hate being dragged along with fake promises.
  8. Dollabank Job Listing

    Aint it too early for that stuff? Making business and all that,come on you have a year of waiting ahead of you
  9. What is your concern about Identity.

    The trailer was to come out months ago I have no idea what is taking so long I think they are starting to understand that making a game is not as easy as they thought so they are delaying every peace of the project I mean its not their fault cause its their first game but still, the promised too many things without knowing if they can deliver
  10. What is your concern about Identity.

    Too much talk No proof to back it up, thats my concern at the moment
  11. A Mafia Commission

    Havent even argued with anybody lol
  12. A Mafia Commission

    You can tell he is a little kid by his cringy profile picture and banner
  13. Combat Logging

    I already asked this and the answer is simple They will do it like DayZ did, leaving the body standing for an X amount for time but not forever
  14. Real radio stations like in Truck Simulator
  15. What civilian jobs are confirmed to be in the game and wich jobs would you like to see added? I dislike the idea of being a criminal or a police officer
  16. Planes ( hear me out)

    I know there wont be player controllable planes in the game for obvious reasons but what about a plane that is controlled by an AII would love to fly in a plane and look out of the window
  17. Negative Response to Role play.

    Yes I am also excited for RPing in this game but sometimes people try too hard on the forums
  18. House money

    But as I understand the yacht can be treated as a home also right
  19. A Mafia Commission

    Thank God Kevin wont be in EU, that guy is annoying with his mafia spam
  20. Negative Response to Role play.

    If OP is talking about me, yes I have made some comments about disliking people who RP on general discussion threads
  21. Roomate

    Refugees incoming
  22. Pledge bonus question

    How will I recive my bonuses and will they be only 1 time use on a certain server? If so it makes no sense to buy the expensive versions, I never thought about it until now.