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Norway174 last won the day on January 24 2019

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About Norway174

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  • Birthday August 29

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  1. Suggestions

    Moved topic to Ideas & Suggestions. Also, +1 for Star Citizen.
  2. What Was Your First Online Multiplayer RPG?

    Does Habbo count? No? Then Runescape.
  3. Moderator Introductions

    Heyhey, I'm Norway174, most people just call me Norway though. I've been playing video games for as long as I can remember. And I've always had a passion for roleplaying in games. Making my own stories, either it be alone in singleplayer, or together with friends in multiplayer. Which is why I was instantly drawn to Identity the first time I saw the kickstarter back in... What was it again? 2015? I think so. I honestly have no idea why I was selected as a moderator. I completely tanked my application. But I do know this, I've been here a long time. I've been brutally honest. And I've had my fair share of comments deleted too. And I value one thing above all else, integrity. And respect? Wait, that's two things. What I'm trying to say, is this... As a moderator, I will be fair. At least I hope so. And I always push for what I believe is right. But I'm not afraid to admit when I'm wrong. And don't hesitate to contact me if you need assistance. I may not post as much as I used to. But that does not mean I'm not here watching. I'm always watching. Anyway, I hope that gives some of you an insight as to who I am, and my methods. With much love, - xoxo from Norway.
  4. Ignore the dot in the middle

    Which dot?
  5. Can't go in or out the elivator

    @ArivaMatova You may not be patient enough. I've noticed, sometimes, it seems to take a while. Especially if you're more people in it. Trying to use it at once.
  6. [TOOL] Identity Signature Generator???

    @Sebastony I'm glad you like it! Pretty good profile you got there.
  7. One Bedroom Apartment Decorated

    @iStreamOnline Excellent job! That looks amazing.
  8. I can see why he was banned.
  9. WtF where’s my game?

    7 hours left. Where did you hear he had to push the button himself? It should be automatic if there is a countdown on the store page.

    It says right there on the store page, it unlocks in 7 hours. At the time of posting this.
  11. [TOOL] Identity Signature Generator???

    @DLimit Looking good! However, may I suggest using a square 1:1 ratio picture? I found those to fit the best. I was debating if I should automatically stretch the images to force them to fit properly. But the result of that would either make images look stretched, or the person appear fatter. I also experimented with cropping. But there is no way to know which part of the image you wanted to crop away. And it might not be obvious to some people as to why part of their image is missing. So I figured resizing would be the best approach that works for everyone. But with that, a 1:1 ratio on the images works best.
  12. November 30th and X4: Foundations

    I'm posting this is Arcade, because I guess this is technically related to another game. Identity's first module, is set to be released on the 30th November. In three weeks of the time of posting this. November 30th is also the release date of X4: Foundations. As an avid Sci-Fi fan, and space game gamer. The choice for me is simple. I'm going to be playing in X4 first. Then maybe I'll check out the Town Square later. But I'm curious if there's any other X-series fans here? And is facing the same dilemma as me? And what game are you probably going to be playing first?
  13. The Steam page is UP!

    This post has been up three hours. And no one has replied yet? Just saw there are other threads related to this topic. My bad. Also, for those too lazy to go and check the page itself.
  14. [TOOL] Identity Signature Generator???

    @Rolf_Schmidt Thanks for the feedback. And yeah, the tool uses direct links to images. Including from Imgur. I can look into converting Imgur links to a direct link. But no promises, as I'm not really sure if there is a way to automatically detect the image type. Should be easy enough to right click the image and copy the direct link though? And I'm glad you like it! Pretty awesome looking signature you got there. @ItsRaiden You didn't have to quote my whole topic just to say that. But thank you!
  15. A long time ago, I made an online tool located here That basically let's you fill out your character information. And use it as a signature. I haven't really been too active with advertising it. As I've been busy with other stuff, and not really sure if it's ready or not. But some of you have already been using it trough my signature. Which is awesome! I never actually expected to see anyone else actually using it on the forums. But I have, and it's so awesome. Thank you to those who have already been using it. And I do hope more people will find it useful as well, and might actually enjoy it. Of course, this would not have been possible without the great art work by @Bryzha. Because I'm a terrible artist. And Bryzha is amazing! And I also had a little help from EasterEgg and Kuzkay. (Who never got back to me with their forum usernames so I can't properly credit them.) With that said, if you wish to help out by making more overlays. Send me a PM, and we can talk about the technical details. Again the URL is if you're interested in checking it out. Oh, and feel free to post your creations in this thread. I would love to see what people come up with! I'll start with a couple...