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  1. The Russian Mafia

    I can agree with this, as long as we don't cross in game, I am fine. Any objections?
  2. The Russian Mafia

    Because you have no one.
  3. The Russian Mafia

    Let me ask how many do you have in your mafia?
  4. The Russian Mafia

    I have already beaten you my friend.
  5. The Russian Mafia

    I guess degenerates will be degenerates. Good Luck? What is this the first Taken? When the time comes you will beg for mercy.
  6. The Russian Mafia

    Surely you don't think that calling on your friends in going to make me back down. One of my own has the experience and training of 1,000 of your men. There will be no crack, no crevice we can't find you.
  7. The Russian Mafia

    Oh, you will see me on the same server, and trust me you will wish we had never crossed.
  8. The Russian Mafia

    @KevinLangston We'll see who is most feared when I make the streets run red with your blood.
  9. Multi-Stage drug production

    What I am suggesting is a multi-ingredient production system that requires more time, effort and risk in order to make big money. For example, three ingredients in meth are sulfuric acid, red phosphorous and hydrochloric acid. You would have to go collect or purchase these materials in order to make meth, which would then have to be processed and sold. All three ingredients would be legal to collect and sell to a market, but when put processed into meth it becomes illegal. Why this should be added: New element of gameplay Entices teamwork to collect ingredients A new way to make both legal and illegal money More realistic Could potentially help draw new players to Identity More risk to do illegal activity Feel free to add on to this in the comments. This is just an outline for the idea.
  10. The Russian Mafia

    @Luca_Santarelli Violence is the only way to get through to people.
  11. The Russian Mafia

    The Russian Mafia The Russian Mafia is THE most ruthless and violent mafia organization of all. The fear and intimidation that we instill into others is unmatched and unrivaled. The amount of money and business that we control is also unmatched. To join you must show that your loyalty to me and the family is unquestionable. The family comes before anything else. This family of ours is more important to you than your own family, or god, or your country. There are several ranks that you will progress through, if the higher ups so choose to promote you. The only way that you can rank up in this brotherhood, is by doing what you are told when you are told and executing your task with precision and skill. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ About the Russian Mafia The main objective of The Russian Mafia is to become as rich, and control as much of the city as possible. Anyone who disrespects ANYONE in the mafia will be shot. Anyone interfering with the mafia's activities, will be shot. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Structure ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 10 commandments of the Mafia 1. Do as you are told 2. Do not kill another member of the mafia 3. Everyone is an enemy, unless told otherwise 4. Follow the chain of command, listen to your boss 5. If someone speaks out against the Pakhan, you kill them 6. Do not snitch, you will die 7. Do not steal from the family, you will die 8. Do not create your own crimes (warning) 9. DO NOT COOPERATE WITH THE FEDS 10. A portion of everything you make goes up. 5% Follow these rules and you will not die. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current Members Pakhan (Leader) - Semion Mogilevich Derzhatel (Second In Command) - Roman Artemovich Derzhatel (Second In Command) - Vladimir Aronofsky Brigadier (Group 1) - Jakub Akulov Brodyaga - Occupied Brodyaga - Occupied Brodyaga - Occupied Brodyaga - Occupied Brodyaga - Occupied Brigadier (Group 2) - Boris Vedenin Brodyaga - Occupied Brodyaga - Occupied Brodyaga - Occupied Brodyaga - Occupied Brodyaga - Open ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crimes we will be involved in Racketeering, drug trafficking, extortion, murder, robbery, smuggling, arms trafficking, gambling. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally Know that this family of ours is a secret, you are entering the society of the chosen, a society which does not exist to the rest of the world. Our family means more to you than your country, god or your own family. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To join the highly reputable Russian Mafia, contact me or my assistants and they will walk you through the process required. Teamspeak required. Or you can join my steam group. If you would like to join, tell me what position you want and shoot me a friend request on steam.