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About Kraztec

  • Birthday 08/29/1985

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  1. In Town Square.....

    You know I'll be in touch.
  2. In Town Square.....

    Jobs won't be available in the first module I've heard, and items for decorating will be free to purchase. As for 3 characters, maybe you want to stay criminal on one, rescue on one and LEO on another. Gives you all these possibilities without having to do something like you have to in Arma currently. I'll gladly look at your art and clothing down the line for Civ clothing. Pretty sure cops are going to be restricted to their tier(so to speak) clothing.
  3. In Town Square.....

    Skies the limit! Social awkwardness seems to be a trend in this feed lol lol the classic films theater will be interesting, black and white films ftw.
  4. In Town Square.....

    God help us. We're all doomed
  5. In Town Square.....

    who let this senior moderator in here?
  6. In Town Square.....

    Not sure I'll want my house being that colorful but sounds awesome lol
  7. In Town Square.....

    What are you looking forward to the most? What kind of jobs are you anxiously awaiting? I know, the wait is making our doctors prescribe xanax and other anxiety meds to get us through, but we can benefit eachother as well I really am curious, what do you guys look forward to the most in the coming months/weeks? Me personally, starting my LEO career path, if not a first responder type of path. Similar to what I'm planning to pursue shortly in real life, but a little bit more sped up, and more easily constructed I hope lol

    Best part was hearing him say "see my moose cursor" imo. Gameplay was great too Kappa
  9. yeah I saw later that there was replies for it lol. My bad, was a little behind. 17 hour work days do that to you sometimes
  10. That's good to see :). I'm personally hoping to drop my own community one day when it comes out in full so I can be the judge, jury and executioner... with a few fellow admins. Should be fun. I want Detective/SWAT/PD(higher level) or EMS
  11. I'd have applied to yours, but I Saw "currently not accepting" for anything I'd be interested in -.-
  12. I have returned!

    Gotta bust these muggers and burglars.
  13. I have returned!

    Thank ya sir.
  14. I have returned!

    I'm feeling SWAT or Detective. Maybe a DEA style branch if it's there.
  15. I have returned!

    Wheres my other officers at?! I lost some of their names due to my absence. I need backup!