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Everything posted by Motown

  1. Hey James. We haven't made any information on this public yet, sorry. Things still need to be finalized!
  2. What is your Account ID?

    Nice rounded number! A person with OCD would love to be you!
  3. If I purchase the Founder

    Hey Frank! Yes, with the $30 (or $25 if pledged using Kickstarter), you do have access to play all 3 of the modules as well!
  4. The Most Liked Post on the Forums

    Maybe we can make this the most liked post on the forums!
  5. Hello Guys!

    Welcome Jamesluck! I studied Game Development myself. Gotta be careful with some of those for-profit technical schools! Are you studying programming, or art?
  6. Your Computer Specs?

    GPU: GeForce GTX 980 RAM: 16 GB CPU: i7-4790K @ 4.0 GHz I wouldn't mind more RAM for all the memory intensive software I use!
  7. An Artist at Work!

    I made another one. I like this one better!
  8. My ideas in one list

    I'm playing Identity on an Apple II right now! just kidding
  9. Which Cars/ Vehicles Would you like to see?

    The mods don't have the ability to delete comments. There is a special button that when clicked, moves removed content to a hidden forum, and notifies me that they did it, but your post isn't there, and I didn't delete it! I really like that bike!
  10. My ideas in one list

    @Vix is incredible at indexing my tweets! That's why we LOD to reduce the size of textures and meshes. Draw distance will also be manageable in client settings. I'm sure some lower end PC's will have some problems with Identity, but we're still doing everything we can to accommodate them!. That map is early concept art with improper scaling. We aren't working off it, but rather a composit of it with many many revisions. If we were to ask Pav to redraw us a new map with the new details, it would look a lot more convincing. Cities are much more dense, and cover a larger area of the map. Farmland is more expansive, with fewer trees. Roads and highways have been completely redrawn, and mountains have been re-positioned to make sense of the lake's water source. You'll love it!
  11. Which Cars/ Vehicles Would you like to see?

    A lot of really nice suggestions here. However, there is less chance of seeing vehicles like what @Fursten posted in Identity. We want to keep the game looking completely modern and contemporary!
  12. bonus content images?

    Good idea Gorgoroth, I'll try to set up some rendered shots of this content when I get a chance, but I will have to get it approved to show off before I put it up!
  13. Signature.

    may have to re-save it! I fixed it after resizing it! Some slight variation in this new one:
  14. Signature.

    Oops, no it isn't! Fixed:
  15. Signature.

    I made this real quick in Photoshop!
  16. How deep will police work actually be?

    I can't believe I've sent out over 3,500 tweets now. I was never a twitter user before Identity!
  17. How deep will police work actually be?

    @Vix, you're awesome for digging through all of my tweets to provide context here on the forums!
  18. Who all remembers me? :P

    Hey, welcome back Toxic! I remember you and your big list from the old forums. I believe I reminded you to add "Game Designer" in the list.
  19. Hello there

    @KavMan Welcome! @KittyDeKarebu You know, your kitty avatar fits really well into its circular frame! I stare at it every time I see it. Do you guys like the circular frame, or do you prefer that it be a box?
  20. Test question

    Ohhh, so now you guys finally start using this forum! I made this topic to test to see if people actually could submit questions here, and was about to delete the forum since it wasn't getting any love.
  21. Pvp hijack

    Several replies have been hidden in this topic. Please keep conversation civil and on-topic!
  22. The limits of the social hub?

    The first module, a social lobby called, "The Town Square" will include several of Identity's features, but serves mainly as a preview for what's to come. It's meant to be a place for you to meet other Identity fans! You can visit the movie theater and watch movies with friends, interact with the environment, explore the interiors of multiple buildings, create some artwork to display in the art gallery, customize your character, visit item shops, and receive a first look at apartment customization in Identity! You won't be able to purchase any property, but it is possible that some of the items you purchase for your character, and activities you participate in, in the social lobby will rollover into the final version of the game!
  23. Life is Strange

    I just bought this game this morning after a member of our community recommended it to me. Looking forward to playing it!
  24. [Closed] IdentityRPG Discord Server

    We're ok with the community doing things like this! We just don't want to do anything official this early with Discord or Teamspeak! I'm really starting to like Discord. I use it as a Reddit moderator, and with a guild I occasionally play with in Albion Online. Very reliable communication tool! I look forward to hanging out with you guys on your server in the future!
  25. My buddies' doubts.

    My observation of this is that a lot of people happen to have eerily similar ideas about what Identity is, despite our initially vague explanation of the game. In many of these cases where we appear to agree with people and accept their suggestions, it's because their ideas are things we've already thought of and in many cases, have already implemented or written into Identity's game design document. We want our community to feel that Identity is their game too. We all funded this, together. It's yours as much as it is ours, and if that means eating our own pride to give you credit for an idea that is very similar to our own, it's important to us that you to feel that you've contributed to the project! There have been several ideas from the community that we have been very open minded towards, and want to make sure we include them as long as they compliment existing features and fit neatly into place. But please don't dismiss us as 'yes-men' trying to appeal to everyone at once! We've rejected more than we've accepted! Some ideas sound awesome in theory, but don't work out in practice. Probably the best example of this is the idea of working as an employee of a store owned by other players. That really does sound immersive, but the reality is, there isn't enough work we can give a player to do to keep them entertained in that position. You can only stand around waiting for customers for so long before you want to do something else! Most importantly, knowing that so many people seem to have the same ideas about what they expect to see in Identity, only strengthens our belief that we're on the right track! Now is the right time for a game like Identity!