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  1. Steering Wheels

    They are going for a realistic driving model and my correct? if so, they probably already promised this, but will the game have Wheel support? I would love to be able to use my Logitech Driving Force GT in game. It would immerse me even more into this already realistic game.
  2. Getting Drunk/High

    I wonder if you could OD on heroin
  3. Music Industry

    Hello, I would like to start off by saying I'm new to this forum. I'm looking forward to this game ALOT! The thing that I am probably most interested in doing in this game is becoming a musician. I have a few questions and ideas to improve this career type. Questions: What instruments will there be? Will there be a DAW ( Digital Audio Workstation) in-game? How will music be distributed? Will there be a top songs chart or something along the line? Ideas: I think it would be really cool if people where able to record/produce songs of different genres, rap, pop, EDM, rock, and be able to send it into a record label. This would give people more opportunities to start up businesses, since the labels will be player owned. It would also be cool if the record labels could distribute these records to the people in-game. If a player sells enough records it would be cool if they got an item to put on there wall like a platinum record or something along those lines. Allowing this means you could set up charts to see how sold the most records and so forth. (This would create a whole new industry that the government could tax so the city funds will go up.) Festivals could also become a cool player driven business. Where a player would buy a plot of land and set up a stage and every month or so (When ever they want to do it) pay artist to come up and perform sets. There could be an admission price and this could end up making a lot of money for many players. TL;DR I would love for there be an extensive music industry in this game.