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About LoganWolf

  • Birthday 12/16/2000

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  1. Wolf Corporation

    That how it be
  2. Wolf Corporation

    The Wolf Corporation Who are we? We are a criminal syndicate that has moved from a city called Rockford to Los Santos and onward to Identity. We were previously associated with another crime family known as the "Falzones". Wolf Corporation is the modernised name,registered under company house due to business reasons. However our original name was the "Colombo" family. We own many legal businesses within Los Santos. The launderette you wash your clothes at? chances are we own it. Local scrap yard? Chances are we own it. Where do we operate? We operate statewide,owning multiple businesses in the process. These businesses aren't all directly owned. Some of the business owners are on our payroll in return for protection. We take a cut of the earnings. Most things are above board and legal,however that doesn't mean we are on top of the law. Keep your eyes peeled and do what you gotta do if law enforcement get involved. Hierarchy system We operate under the mafia style hierarchy,as this is what we strive to be based off. You will see an image inserted below: What Businesses do we own? "The Wiseguy’s Loan Service" Need a quick easy loan? Come to us. The Wiseguy’s Loan Service. 29.0%APR. Going through a divorce and need a little cash injection? Is debt crippling you? We can help,no questions asked. Just don’t forget to pay us back after 30 days,otherwise our Security team will be around to collect the money one way or another. Narcotics we deal with? Cocaine "Jim Wolf's Favourite" Cocaine,arguably one of the worlds greatest drugs. You'll find this sold in most of our businesses,Vanilla Unicorn mainly. Our under-boss Jim Wolf loves the stuff. It's the first thing he turns to when he wakes up and the last thing at night. Some call them addicts? we call them Enthusiasts. Opium(Heroin) A street level drug,we sell most of it down on Grove Street. The usage of this drug within the syndicate is strictly prohibited. For certain things it would be correct to say "You don't shit where you eat". If you are caught using this drug,you will be at the mercy of Jim Wolf's Machete and Logan's Shotgun,then followed by being dumped in the LS River. We sell it,we don't use it. This is the only thing we hate. Marijuana (weed) Pretty much found anywhere these days. Let's be honest it's barely illegal. We still have to watch our steps with the law however. Nothing better than a glass of whiskey and a joint to calm down after a day of killing and dodging the law. We sell in bulk and at street level. All different strains. Which one is your favourite? Meth Simple but addictive,another drug we prohibit the usage of. We sell it,however once again the term applies "You don't shit,where you eat" we aren't junkies,we are highly sophisticated criminal businessmen. If you are caught doing this? it's highly likely that your family will never see you again. That's one thing Jim and Logan are very specific on. However looking to buy some? Head out to Ace Liquor. Who are our higher ups? Jim Wolf (Underboss) Jim Wolf was born under the name "Germano Achille"..He was born in the village of Sutera,on the kitchen floor of his family home. His Father armed with paper towels. He grew up in a small village school,heavily religious. His mother Susan was an American who moved to Sicily to be with his father Antero. When Germano reached the age of 9,Susan decided that they should move to America,so that's what happened. They packed up all their belongings and went. Antero was a baker,he had a small fortune from his success. They moved to the city of Rockford,Antero setup a small local bakery. Specialising in Sicilian baked goods. Germano was placed into the local school. He grew up in a normal family,with steady income. A few years later Antero sadly passed away due to sudden ill health. Germano and Susan were devastated. Susan was un-employed,Germano was too young to get a real job. However he had to step up and take his fathers place. Antero left the bakery to Germano in hopes that he would continue his father's legacy. Germano and Susan went to work in the bakery. Susan working the counter and Germano baking the good,his father taught him traditional baking techniques before he passed. Germano had to attempt to run the bakery,while also full-time in school. Germano had a best friend,Logan. He invited Logan to come work at the bakery with him. Logan was 12 and Germano was 13 at the time. So that's what happened,Logan went to work. The three of them worked hard to keep Antero's legacy alive. Unfortunately due to the economic decline,the bakery went into disrepute 2 years after they took over from Antero. Antero fortunately left part of his fortune to the family. So they had enough money to live on,however the bakery did indeed close. Germano,Logan and Susan became unemployed. Due to the unfortunate events,Susan focused on other tasks to take the pain away from all their misfortune. Unfortunately this was Heroin and prostitution. Susan didn't want to find a real job,so moved to prostitution to earn the families money. She spent all the fortunate left to them on heroin,and was purely relying on prostitution to pay the rent. However Germano knew something was wrong,he knew his mother didn't really work at the Grocery store like she has told him. Germano was now 15,Logan was 14. They had a little think between them on how they could stop Susans addiction,end her prostitution and earn the family a buck. One night they both put on a mask and went to rob a local convenience store. They got away with it. $10,000 in cash. No cops,they knew they might have a gift for this. The rent was paid,they told Susan to get off the Heroin and end her shit. Otherwise Germano was going to sell their home. She stopped,the boys continued to rob different businesses at least once a week. 6 months later,they had $500,000 to their name. Germano and Logan finished school and went into crime full time. Doing anything they could,stealing cars,robbing stores. Anything but drugs,they purchased a small launderette with the money they earned. They needed something to keep on the down low. They put Susan to work in the launderette. Germano had always liked the idea of changing his name. He conjured the name "Jim Wolf" off the top of his head. The next morning he headed down the local registry office and changed it,Logan also like the idea and change his name to "Logan Wolf" also. The iconic duo, 1 business,1 home to their name. What to do next? They went out and bought 5 designer suits each,they knew they were onto something. They began to attempt to recruit people,2 years later. They had 20 guys working under them in street activity. They purchased more businesses. Successful millionaires. Fast Forward 10 years, Susan unfortunately passed away. Jim was locked up for money laundering and Logan was still running a few businesses. Jim got out and the pair decided to move to Los Santos and then to Identity. Logan Wolf (Don) Logan Wolf was originally called “Antonello Comito” he was born in a small city in Sicily, he grew up around small street crime, by the time he was eleven years old he was working in a chop shop, he learned everything there was to know about cars inside that chopshop but quickly grew tired of the pay, he longed for more. Logan then as he got older he excelled in school but took little interest in any subjects apart from Business and Physical Education, he was top of his classes in both of those subjects and was noticed by teachers for his violent behaviour and psychotic tendencies. This would result in him being forced into a psychological evaluation at the age of twelve. The results showed that he had many of the traits of a Psychopath/Sociopath. The evaluation proved many of the teachers correct and he in fact was numb to feeling most emotions as a normal person does, he could not feel empathy which to this day aids him in his line of work, he has loyalty to those who he trusts but most of this is synthetic as he cannot trust completely to anyone apart from Jim Wolf. Logan worked in the bakery as soon as he was asked, he quit his job in the chop shop and worked part time in the bakery as he finished his studies, after they started recruiting and robbing stores the power was not enough for Logan and he wanted more, so as Jim got out of prison they moved to Los Santos to gain control of another city and rule it with an iron fist Marciano De Palma(consigliere) “Jim and Logan’s Right Hand Man” Marciano,there isn’t too much background knowledge of this man. He is someone we keep a strictly classified file on,due to the extensive knowledge and intricacies of illegal business he knows. He is a half cousin of Jim Wolf. Their families were extremely close for 9 years when Jim lived in Sicily. Until now,Jim and Logan felt they didn’t need outside council. However due to the expansion within the organisation and trouble with the police,he has been brought over. He flew in from Sicily on the 23/10/2018. He is known as Jim and Logan's right hand man. Council,Advisor and accountant for the Wolf Corporation. Noticeable by his facial hair and hat. This man is wise and every move he move is calculated excellently. If Jim has a problem with you and needs it dealt within the law,He’ll turn to Marciano. He will not always be constantly around,however if Jim need’s him to sort something out,he’ll come in and deal with it while Jim heads out of the city. Our Roster Role Name Description The Boss (Don) Logan Wolf Main Boss Consigliere Marciano De Palma Advisor to the Don and Underboss Underboss Jim Wolf Second in Command Contabile Vacant Financial advisor Caporegime Vacant Runs a faction of soldiers Caporegime Vacant Runs a faction of soldiers Soldier Vacant Street Level Soldier Soldier Vacant Street Level Soldier Soldier Vacant Street Level Soldier Associate Vacant Non-Sicilian Member Associate Vacant Non-Sicilian Member Associate Vacant Non-Sicilian Member Associate Vacant Non-Sicilian Member Associate Vacant Non-Sicilian Member How do I join? It’s not easy to join. You walk up to a made man and ask about joining,that’s a good way to get killed. You have to earn your way up,if you get involved with us. Anything asked of you,you will be expected to do. NO QUESTIONS ASKED,otherwise you get whacked. Everyone begins as an associate,if you are non-sicilian/italian. You’ll never be able to get made. What is being a wiseguy(being made) and how does it work? As previously mentioned to be made,you have to be of Sicilian/Italian Descent. If you aren’t it will never happen. Being made entails that you fully belong part of a family,we’ll watch your back as if you were our own son. You have to earn it,some guys worked for us for 20 years and still haven’t been made. It’s something you never asked for,otherwise you’ll end up swimming with the fishes. You’ll be tested over,over and over in multiple different ways. You have to respect the bosses,any bad words/act towards them and you’ll never get made. If you have proved yourself and it’s confirmed,you’ll be taken to the “making” ceremony. For this to happen,you have to be vouched by a fully made member. 3 or more made members must be in attendance. Including the one who vouched for you. At the ceremony the association is explained including its basic rules; then his finger is pricked with a needle by the officiating member; a few drops of blood are spilled on a card bearing the likeness of a saint; the card is set on fire; finally, while the card is passed rapidly from hand to hand to avoid burns, the novice takes an oath of loyalty to our family. Rules 1. Be loyal to members of the organization. Do not interfere with each other's interest. Do not be an informer…. 2. Be rational. Be a member of the team. Don't engage in battle if you can't win….The directive extends to personal life. 3. Be a man of honor. Respect womanhood and your elders. Don't rock the boat…. 4. Be a stand-up guy. Keep your eyes and ears open and your mouth shut. Don't sell out….The 'stand-up guy' shows courage and 'heart.' He does not whine or complain in the face of adversity, including punishment, because 'If you can't pay, don't play.' 5. Have class. Be independent. Know your way around the world. 6. If you are caught doing Heroin or Meth,you’ll get whacked. 7. Do not disrespect any higher ups, this could result in you being whacked. 8. Do as the higher ups say otherwise it could end bad for you. 9. Talk back get whacked. Dress code You are required to dress smartly and appropriately at all times. We need to show how professional we are. Everyone must wear smart clothes,for example a suit or a dress. Jim Wolf loves wearing italian leather shoes and a genuine italian tailored suit. Here is an example below: Parts of this are a bit weird to be read as it has been pasted from a google document we have created. Here is the link to the official google doc for Wolf Corporation:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-ac5hurP52rwhhRxm4I8ewopYCUT-L9Mf1E7S_qG6Zk/edit?usp=sharing If you wanna join, simply send me a message and I'll talk to you about how you join, this will change once the game is released.
  3. Logan Wolf

    Basic Information Full Name: Logan Wolf Gender: Male Age: 19 Nationality: White American Height: 6'2 *REST OF LOOKS TBD BASED ON IDENTITIES CHARACTER CREATOR* Characteristics Brave Charismatic Trustworthy Loyal Erratic Smart Backstory Logan grew up in the streets of New York and was surrounded by criminals, gangs and organised crime. By the age of eight, he had started committing petty crimes such as; Theft, Vandalism, Assault, Assault With A Weapon and Possession Of Class B Drugs. Logan then as he got older he excelled in school but took little interest in any subjects apart from Business and Physical Education, he was top of his classes in both of those subjects and was noticed by teachers for his violent behaviour and psychotic tendencies. This would result in him being forced into a psychological evaluation at the age of twelve. The results showed that he had many of the traits of a Psychopath/Sociopath. He carried on his school life until thirteen, he came home late one night after being out committing crimes attempting to help his families financial hardships, the door was open, he walked in with many things missing and blood was around the place, he went to his mother and fathers room where he saw the bodies of his parents. Logan showed only one emotion at the sight of this, anger. As Logan left the house a Man was waiting for him, this man was named Jim and he told Logan what had happened, Jim had seen who did it and what gang he was associated with, they spent the next year building a small gang and started taking rival gang territory. At the age of 15 Logan finally was face to face with the man that had broken into his home and murdered his parents, Jim passed Logan a 9mm pistol with a silencer on the barrel, Logan aimed it at the man and without a second thought as the man was begging for his life Logan shot the man between the eyes. They then left the area and carried on expanding for three years. A large Mafia family noticed them and saw them as a problem so they ordered the assassinations of Jim and Logan. Within the space of a week, most of the men that worked for Logan And Jim had been killed and the rest left the city. Logan and Jim sat in their studio apartment waiting for the assassins to come, the Don's personal assassin showed up alone ready to take them out. It turned into a battle to the death which eventually Logan and Jim won, but Jim took a bullet for Logan which Logan will never forget and owes Jim his life. After this, they leave New York and head out to a new city to work their way back up. Goals And Aims In Identity Logan wants to rebuild his empire and have a name which everyone either respects or fears, he wants powerful allies and few enemies. He wants to be as powerful as possible and have connections all over the city, inside politics and the police force. *WILL BE UPDATED WITH FURTHER DETAIL WHEN I HAVE THE TIME*
  4. Sam's Introduction

    Hello, my name is Sam and I'm 17, I also live in the UK , I have been following Identity for a couple of years now and I'm very excited to see the release of the town square, I am currently a college student who studies Computer Programming, Psychology, Music Technology and Performing Arts. I am a serious role-player and I'm excited to meet more of the community in game, feel free to message me with anything I am always up for a chat and I enjoy helping people. I am a friendly person but I usually role-play as a mobster who isn't very friendly, I hope to see you all in game and am looking forward to meeting all of you and making friends in the community, I hope you're having a good day:)
  5. Wolf Corporation

    @Johnny Thanks for clearing that up. I will be operating on a UK Based server that I will be running called: Vengeful Gamers.
  6. Come talk to me on my Discord

    Learning how the game works won't be too hard as the modules will be out before you can buy the server anyways so most people will know how it works. @Shimozukachi
  7. Come talk to me on my Discord

    @JamesLuck01 @Kickapoo @Shimozukachi I am using this as my own as it will be used for my server.
  8. Come talk to me on my Discord

    Hey,I have started to develop my official Vengeful Gamers Discord server and it would be cool if you guys could join it and talk to me or even give me suggestions on it. Discord Join Button
  9. Wolf Corporation

    @Henry_Taylor @Calico I spelt it the American way instead of the Sicilian way as this is based in a American City.
  10. Wolf Corporation

    @Calico What do you mean?
  11. Wolf Corporation

    @The1TheOnlyGonzo Yeah,I just find the mob a lot more fun then just gangs,I have been running it in other games and It's pretty fun to be honest.
  12. Vengeful Gamers Identity Server[Whitelisted]

    @Roba It will be strict I can assure you and anyone else of that
  13. Wolf Corporation

    Sorry for putting it in the wrong place @Herzog @IDEN Thank you for the suggestion @IDEN
  14. @HairyGrenade Ah ok,so a little less buggy and glitchy then Arma's?
  15. Wolf Corporation

    Hello,this is Logan Wolf and this is the official Wolf Corp post: WHAT IT RUNS: Gun Running: Smuggling guns across places. Drug Smuggling: Smuggling drugs across places. Extortion: We will "Offer" "Protection" to shop/business owners. Money Laundering: Our money needs to look clean. Legit Businesses: We will run certain businesses like restaurants and such. Bribery: We will bribe as many cops as we can and get them on our pay roll. BENEFITS The higher your rank the more you get. You get paid a decent amount based on what you did on the job and how much the whole job pays in total. You get protection from all of Wolf Corp. You get access to all of our legal businesses. You receive weapons from us. RANKS Mob Boss: Logan Wolf Underboss: Jim Wolf Concierge: TBD Capo: TBD Capo: TBD Capo: TBD Soldier: TBD Associate: TBD There can be unlimited Soldiers and Associates. Soldiers are made family and Associates are not made. ALLIES: TBD ENEMIES: TBD KEYS: TBD = To Be Determined.