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Everything posted by Edward

  1. Loading vehicles for delivery?

    forklift license lol
  2. Car Club Jackets

    Just order the jacket yeah good idea
  3. Music

    are we gonna be able to put our own music in like a speaker in identity and play it to sound the same so in the night we can cruise out with our bigass speakers and play that track.
  4. In Identity i wanna be a.....

    Yeah totally
  5. I wanna be a prost.... i mean a bus driver
  6. New Video Hype

    Just wait we all want to play
  7. Tv reporter

    @HairyGrenade thanks!
  8. Tv reporter

    Well he said its complicated but in the near future they might do it but it seems not from the start
  9. Tv reporter

  10. Size Comparison

  11. Well you know something is gonna happen
  12. Judges

    yeah if the gobernor isnt a complete @ssh*le
  13. Cellphones in game

    Will there be cellphones integrated in the game. would it be like GTA 5 cellphones? cause I didn't like it at all those. but if there is cellphones would there be only one type of cellphone you can buy or have multiple one's
  14. Where are YOU gonna live?

    I'm Gonna live in the outside's in the woods
  15. Bathrooms?

    Dude if I can poop il do it in my Gucci Toilet
  16. Civil Revolt/ Revolution

    If it starts a political party war I'm sure the police could do two things: 1. Break the fight and solve this peacefully or 2. Sit in the top of the roof with some popcorn and watch the fight
  17. Size Comparison

    God I failed math FeelsBadMan
  18. AMD and Identity

    Well I have two Titan X I think I'm okay
  19. Good vs Evil

    Well dam everybody wants to be a criminal
  20. Judges

    But wouldn't you need a special classes for this so you can judge well or something?
  21. Industry

    yea imagine power plants and someone over there causes a error or bad work and the entire company goes down not too sure about that
  22. Trading with other players

    yeah got a little exited over here
  23. Trading with other players

    sh*t is going down
  24. Gonna give you a discount mate
  25. good idea of making some train or subway stations for going for long distances like for mountains or isolated places to go camping or to the big cities could be fun and give the people the job like they wanted it in real life