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  1. Size.

    I can agree on that it seems big. But what is your preference? A game takes space. And yes maps do too but not as much. Take PUBG for a comparison. Before the latest “Erangel” map was released I think the game was around 12gb? However what I know for a fact when the map came out it was an update of less than 10gigs. And that’s a 4x4 km map. The base game with all mechanics takes a lot of space. And that isn’t as much of a sanbox game that identity’s going to be. So, just for the sake of reason say that identity full game will be ten times the size of town square, doesn’t mean it take up 1Tb of disk space. The developers are aiming at making the most complex and interactable mmorpg there is, so there’s really not much to compare against fairly, now a days. I think the size makes sense for a game that the developers say is going to be this complex and “infinite” in actions by players.