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About Razza229

  • Birthday 10/12/1998

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  1. FBI Hacking Suspects

    But this will give a slight challenge to the FBI rather than clicking a button that says "Hack - "Username"
  2. FBI Hacking Suspects

  3. FBI Hacking Suspects

  4. Real Time Meet markers

    Yeah check out my new topic on phones
  5. Musician/Band Member

    I would be interested in this if BeatBoxing counts, I'm in!
  6. FBI Hacking Suspects

    There should be a way the FBI could hack into a suspects phones and They should make multiple phones to be able to buy so like- A normal basic phone where you can get hacked easily and the FBI can read your texts, a smartphone which is a little harder for the FBI to crack and then a more expensive smartphone that the FBI can not possibly hack. So like for example, the FBI has heard that a criminal is going to meet a customer / "friend" but the FBI don't want to walk into a trap, they can simply ask the higher command if they can try and HACK the suspects phone. if they get approved they should have to go through a series of CAPTHA codes or a minigame or something else just as challenging.
  7. Real Time Meet markers

    Yeah it would be very cool and also gives other characters a chance to maybe involve in-game hacking? like the Devs could create a way the FBI could hack into peoples phones and could even make multiple phones to be able to buy so like- A normal basic phone where you can get hacked easily and the FBI can read your texts, a smartphone which is a little harder for the FBI to crack and then a more expensive smartphone that the FBI can not possibly hack. maybe I sould post this as another Idea hmm.
  8. Real Time Meet markers

    I certainly wouldn't use them since I prefer to feel in depth with RP, I mean sure I'd use them to talk to friends that arent playing the game but other than that I think Ts3 and other communication software would ruin it

    I thank you for your welcome sir.

    Hello everybody! My name is Razza229, I am a Games Developer (3D Model Artist) hoping to reach bigger goals, I have not started making a game yet since I do not have a team to do so. I also like to Beatbox, especially in a group with other beatboxers like me. I only speak English as my first and only language.
  11. Real Time Meet markers

    Thank you
  12. Real Time Meet markers

    Basically it is encouraging people to use more in game features rather than third party software like Skype or Teamspeak3, this would make it more of a challenge for such moments like when a player is in combat and could potentially make players communicate more in game rather than in their own social group where no one else in the game (mainly within radius) can hear, I want it so that there is no secret planning of anything outside of the game, this gives it more of a professional RP vibe.
  13. If you want to know what I do-

    I am a Games Developer in the making, a 3D Model Artist to be exact.

    I am a Semi-professional Beatboxer and my real name is Ryan.

    You can check out my 3D Models down below-


  14. People from UK and US add follow me, I will follow back.

  15. Real Time Meet markers

    It would be cool if say you could go onto a map via your in-game phone, tablet or PC for that matter and arrange a meeting with someone at a certain time at a certain place, this would give the other player(s) a text message or Email in game whether to accept or deny this or an alternate to this is to reply via a text or Add new location and time. Just a fun little idea of mine, if it has already been posted please remove this