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FaithMable last won the day on September 16 2018

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About FaithMable

  • Birthday 02/13/1994

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  1. What will you RP in identity?

    I'll be sure to avoid you then, thats weird
  2. What will you RP in identity?

    Job wise I would most likely be paramedic, or rp as a nurse. But I will mostly be doing things like gardening, cooking and the like. I've got guy friends who would rp as my in game husband too!
  3. Relationships between players.

    I like my place thanks, no sock wanted
  4. Looking for a Serious RP Server

    Hopefully the community won't be like gmod and we might actually get some serious rp
  5. Relationships between players.

    My real life husband is also my master. I'd honestly just be happy having a partner in game without anything else. I'm in it for the rp, not ownership of anything.
  6. Prostitutes and sexual interactions

    If you want sex and such then go play something like second life or 3dxchat. I don't want this game to be ruined by horny teenagers. And I'm sure you don't want trannies and catfishes messing with you. And as a woman I don't want to be hassled for such things either. Get enough of it on other games.
  7. Strip Club?

    You'd get men playing women doing that too, it would be weird. Not to mention kids might end up on the game. I'm an adult and as much as I'd like to have everything in the game some things are better just left out.
  8. Hi! Got some questions

    This game is gonna be amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Hi! Got some questions

    Will you have a partner system, allow me to be a wife and do things like gardening or something relaxing? Or perhaps be a nurse or something? I'm really into partner roleplay, possibly family stuff, and as bad as it sounds, being the stereotypical housewife as its what I do in real life. From what I've seen and heard this does seem like the perfect roleplay game, and since it will be coming to steam that's even better, I game tons on steam. I'm gonna grab the founder pack asap, I'm really hyped now. Is there a eta on final release, or stable version with base content? Also thank you for the replies
  10. Hi! Got some questions

    Ignore my other post I put up, its in the wrong section. Hi, just signed up, my name is Nami May, but in the gaming world I go by several names, one being Faith Mable. I've been looking for a good roleplay game or server on a game but I've always been disappointing. From games like Gmod to conan exiles to second life. I've been sifting through and looking for a proper and good RP experience and this game looks like it would really fill the void for me. So just some questions: 1: Do you have a discord? Discord servers I've found to always be helpful, good for chatting and I do prefer voice chat. 2: What is the status of the game? I just got here and oblivious to where things are sorry. 3: Can I preorder the game, back it or whatever? I'm interested I won't lie, kinda want to hop in asap. 4: What can I expect in the game, is it proper roleplay in the form of a city roleplay or something? Need some clarification I'm busy in real life doing housework so I posted this here to await replies, thank you in advance and have some virtual cookies from me.