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Veeblefetzer last won the day on September 20 2018

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  1. You own it, it's all on you...

    Nobody is saying you don’t have a right to be annoyed and nobody is saying you don’t have the right to voice your opinions. It’s how those opinions are expressed in this forum that concerns me. There are new potential players that come through this site everyday. For new prospects to read these negative posts and have their minds made up without seeing the polished and finished product, I think is unfair. Voice your opinion, but maybe craft your posts in a fashion that gives a positive twist on constructive criticism without detouring potential players. A successful game title needs as many players as they can get. Assuming that you as a fellow player would want that as well? You know, more populated servers, thus more people to play with. Of course there are going to be those here whose sole intent is to sabotage the entire project, I don’t believe that is the motive for all of the negative comments. It just seems to be the same negative content being posted over and over, with a tone of incessant whining. No matter what you’re always going to have your trolls, and those that just have to win an argument.
  2. You own it, it's all on you...

    Crowdfunding, Kick Starter, Early Access, Backer, Founder, Etc. Have a certain expectation level that comes with them if you so chose to engage in the process. Many negative Nancy's here seem to ignore that fact, or simply make up their own expectation level when they themselves feel that progression is slow or communication is lax from the developers and studio. If you so chose to engage in said process, you should really follow the the studio and developer announcements early on, as I did and many of you did. Once you feel comfortable with the proposed product and feel reasonably satisfied with what the vision of the end result is, then and only then should you be reaching in your pocket. For some that's the first day for others that is three years down the road. I followed the prospect of Identity for almost three years before I reached into my pocket or even made forum account for that matter. Either way, if you don't go into this with the attitude and mindset that you just threw your money on red number 7 on the roulette table, then you have set yourself up for disappointment. The fact is, these projects are a gamble and if you chose to partake, You own it, it's all on you.
  3. R u Kiddin us??

    Yes because you have the crystal ball that nobody else has and only JoelKeys knows what everything means...
  4. Your expectation level isn't on par with investing into crowd funding, kick starter or early access projects. You might want to re-think this type of activity and stick with post beta, full release titles.
  5. Packages

    "The original plan was to keep the packages found on the old website as they were for exactly one week after the new shop went live. We intended to take them down after seven days, leaving only the individual items remaining. However, since PayPal is currently the only payment option we offer, we will be extending the duration for how long these packages will remain available. It would be unfair to those who are ready to make a purchase but don’t have access to a PayPal account, so you can expect to see the packages stay up for a little while longer. Once we secure more payment options, we’ll be sure to let users know how long they have to purchase one of the older packages."
  6. Yes it's the incessant whining that really is quite telling about the posters of these threads. Yet they continue to post over and over the same content with a slightly different variation. Calling it "valid questions" and "constructive criticism". The thing is, moderators, admins and developers are mostly smart enough to not put things out there, that result in a Gotcha moment! "but you said this" and "you promised that". None really ever stop to think that by telling too much, other competitors can sometimes gain an advantage. There are a couple key games that debuted and or expanded very recently, while they may not compete directly with the niche of identity, some do have very large player bases and if it were me, i would want to see how they play out before I launched. Sometimes timing is everything. There are a lot of things that go into this that nobody thinks about and even more that we don't know about, for good reason.
  7. Can we please have some honesty and transparency?

    Just quit sniveling about it. It’s pathetic really.
  8. Can we please have some honesty and transparency?

    You should really find something else to do with your spare time.
  9. I didn’t encourage anyone to “shut up” or not “ask questions” you may have missed the point of the post, or the title itself, particularly the word behavior or “behave” as it were.
  10. A lot of people crabbing about "Lost hope in the games development." "is it even real?", "is it a scam?" "We've been waiting years!" Etc. I'm sure there are older folks here crabbing as well, but IMO, a lot of the crabbing comes from a youthful perspective that we demand everything now because we're entitled to everything life has to offer, as fast as possible. I've invested into many kick starters and early access projects. Very few were flops, (ahem DayZ), but the ones that take the time, tend to be the shiners at the finish line. Besides, my old a** could fall asleep for a nap and wake up next year, soooo yeah.
  11. This is getting silly

  12. Gemstone It was text based and we spent hours absorbed into this game. Loss of dial up connection and tedious progressions, but at the time this was the greatest thing we'd ever experienced in gaming. We used to wonder what it would be like the day we'd be able to see each other and run around in a graphical environment.
  13. WOOT & greetings fellow Identifiers

    Hello all, Thank you for reading my introduction. I'm looking forward to the release of Identity. There have been a lot of other games with a similar theme, whether it be a modded version of a shooter franchise or a standalone MMORPG, but none of which have honed in on the niche that is described by the developers of Identity. I've been a gamer for many many moons. In 1994 my friends and I started a gaming community where we got together in our basements and hooked our PC's together to game. As time went on we invested into implementing our own dedicated gaming servers online, leasing servers and hosting several different genres of game-play. By 2003 we we're running a PC storefront, where we built new PC's, modded existing ones and even performed Xbox modifications. We leased the old grocery store next to us and hosted 150 to 300 person LAN parties. We had competitions, prizes, giveaways and even big name sponsors. It was a different experience back then. Internet was dial up at the start, connections were miserably slow and LAN's were the only way to have a fully immersed experience. There were games we hosted that had more than one server and we imposed a strict RP policy on some of them. We had a lot of fun with this aspect of the game and have been waiting for something a little more refined to come along. Could this be it? Could it be... Identity?

    I don't think it's just town square the developers have to be mindful of upon initial release. All of these other modules need to tie in seamlessly when they're also released. I think core game components such as town square have to be well groomed so future modules aren't a disaster.