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  1. Off-Duty Officer Question

    This topic can be closed. Answer was said by dev team that they want a clear distinction between cops and civilians. Thanks for the answers
  2. Real estate

    I’ve seen the apartments for sale and I’m pretty impressed. Really looking forward to seeing some homes.
  3. A lotta gang activity in Identity

    Looking forward to it guys!
  4. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    Props to the clothing designers. Looks great and lots of variety.
  5. Off-Duty Officer Question

    Yeah that makes sense. Thanks guys.
  6. A lotta gang activity in Identity

    I agree actually taking up space in the server would be epic, I hope they actually do that.
  7. A lotta gang activity in Identity

    I think your apartment will just have a door with an enter button and you will be transported in similar to GTA.
  8. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    I'm not sure if this is correct, but since it appears the police outfit from the gameplay snippet is completed will that outfit be available for the TS module release? Anways, great work with all these!
  9. Off-Duty Officer Question

    Was wondering what will happen if an officer is off duty and is nearby when a crime is taking place. Will you be unable to assist or will you have to go to the department and suit up?

    I believe you can actually own an apartment and edit it to your liking in the module. So you can view all the apartment styles and have your own. But it’s really just a social module.
  11. A lotta gang activity in Identity

    Wow over a thousand? This is exciting news.
  12. A lotta gang activity in Identity

    Servers should have between 300-500 people. Although the criminals will outnumber law enforcement I have faith in our abilities to control the areas.
  13. Making a living

    Yes. You can make a living as a police officer in game. You have to sign up at the offices in town square. Not sure yet what the ranking system will be or what will be required to be promoted. I’d assume higher ranking roles would offer a bigger salary. There’s no passive income to prevent AFK play, so you’ll most likely have to clock in and clock out to get your pay check. Its going to be a very fun job and rewarding. I’m excited.
  14. A lotta gang activity in Identity

    I've been through the hideout section, and there seems to be an incredible amount of gangs and communities with criminal intents. I'm looking forward to serving alongside other police officers in-game.