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Everything posted by BrewMasterCrow

  1. Greetings From Texas.

    Hello Community! I have been following this game since about 2015 and finally cracked and bought it. I kind of am debating if I should lean toward starting a Biker gang or maybe becoming a Motorcycle Cop? If anyone has any ideas or would like to join me in this endeavor, I would like your opinion. I have tried to start countless Biker Clubs in Arma 3 Altis life, Arma 2: Takistan Life, Arma 3: City Life. and other Arma Mods. I had a lot of success in those servers, but they would always close down and there went my dream of having a Motorcycle club. No Slant Bikes. Harley and Choppers. I want to put together an MC with multiple government like electing a President, VP, Secretary, Sgt at Arms, Road Captain, and voting on prospects, club activities and business. Thoughts? I know we are a long way off, but I would love to get a discord and other things set up and ready to go for Launch.
  2. Greetings From Texas.

    I actually did not know there were MCs that is good to know. I will browse the introductions, I guess. That would be fun as hell to be honest, Fighting other MCs and patching them over lol.