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  1. Salary, income, work, job

    This whole thing was about how the economy will work, he used old Germany as an example and you got offended. He wasn't talking shit about Germany then you had a hissy fit similar to my 7yr old nephew. I don't get how fat Americans and people owning guns has anything to do with how messed up Germany used to be, plus most of what you said was wrong. But go ahead and keep showing us how stupid you are it's actually kind of entertaining
  2. Official Civil Argument Post

    He made a point about when Germany had a bad economy, using is as an example of inflation and you came back with insulting the entire united states calling everyone fat and talking about trump. That doesn't change the fact that Germany had a messed up economy at one point. Then you say youve been studying Germany longer than any of us have been alive..nice try but it says your birthday on your page you arent even 20. Stop acting like youre better than everyone seriously stop being so rude about everything. You've proved many times that you completely talk out of your ass. Grow up
  3. New Idea.

    Cool idea but it might be easier if they just keep it at using a pistol with 1 hand or 2 instead of left or right.
  4. Housing

    They said the reason we won't be able to repaint or customize the outside of houses is mainly because of network performance, if each house was customized on the outside it might cause lag (roughly 300 houses) also there is a search bar, if you have other questions there's probably a thread about it
  5. SCO19

    There will be SWAT though, which is pretty much the same thing
  6. Combat Logging

    Well yeah I just mean it should be the same as dying any other time. Imagine Tom has $100k on him and Bill tries to rob him, tom can't just logout and disappear instantly. He's still at risk of losing his 100k. That would definitely make people think twice before logging out to escape a dangerous situation, since their character wouldn't escape it at all
  7. Combat Logging

    I was about to start a thread about this but figured I'd just bring this one back. This idea is perfect! I was thinking when you logout there should be a short timer, longer if you are or recently were in combat, or wanted by police. If you logout when police are chasing you, your character should surrender. If you logout in a busy part of town, the ai should just walk/drive towards your house or apartment until it can despawn when nobody's near it. If you are killed during this time you should be fully lootable to encourage people to log out in a safe place on their own
  8. ORG: Ass Beating Cops

    Fair enough but the main thing about identity that draws people in is that it's a serious realistic life rp game, not a mod for people to troll on. Plus the point of police is to bring alleged criminals to jail so they can have a fair trial, and their punishment is jail once they're proven to be a criminal, not a suspected criminal. It's not up to the police officers to punish people with excessive force, that's why they get fired for doing it IRL. They have weapons so they can protect themselves and bring down threats, not to beat on people I'm not putting down your group or ideas, it actually looks kinda fun, but this might not be the game for it
  9. Map suggestions

    Wouldn't they then have to change which side of the roads stop signs and traffic lights face? It's a cool idea but they would basically have to recreate the map with everything traffic related being opposite/flipped. Unless every intersection has stop signs on both sides and traffic lights facing both ways
  10. ORG: Ass Beating Cops

    Please don't
  11. ORG: Ass Beating Cops

    Please be sure to let us all know which server you go on so we can avoid it entirely
  12. Multiple Characters

    I never asked this in another thread and i don't see how me answering a question is cluttering up the forums. Plus you answered with "i think" and your answer is wrong. They answered this question on twitter literally a few hours ago saying "We actually haven't settled on # of character slots yet, but it's likely you'll be able to create multiple per server." Also the forums seem to be more cluttered with people making posts acting like the forum police
  13. Multiple Characters

    I saw a tweet earlier today saying they aren't sure yet but we'll likely be able to have a few characters per server
  14. Motorcycle Wishlist

  15. Lawsuits/suing people

    No I was serious, I was thinking trespassing, theft, pretty much any reason you'd want to sue someone in real life, and the show Judge Judy is full of examples